Brooke Whistance
by on June 1, 2020

Technology has reached every aspect of our lives, and music does not escape. Although some disdain the work of DJs because they feel that it is poorly manufactured music or simple semi-alteration of the hits of the moment, this article may cause them to change their mind. Here are the qualities that the perfect DJ should have.

Both electronic music and being a DJ is not as simple as some believe you need essential qualities to be good, and even more important, to make you notice in the sea of DJs that are currently — next, a small list of what you need to be a good DJ and achieve your dream.

What makes a DJ successful and remarkable in their work? We take into account insights from a remarkable DJ, Jonathan B. Miller. He goes under the stage name, James Dece and has a distinctive style involving music creation for therapy and cognitive pairing.

James Dece has also collaborated with a wide array of artists in his industry. Here are some of his suggestions on what makes a DJ good in their work:

  1. Passion

Not only should you like electronic music, but you must also love it and keep it in mind at every moment of your life. That you like it and listen to it at times is not enough and anyway, why would you want to do something that you are not passionate about? To be a DJ you have to feel something very strong for your music, it is the only way you can make those who listen to you feel the same.

  1. Find what makes you unique

Know yourself and look for your identity as a DJ, no matter if that means getting out of what everyone thinks is a DJ, your personality will help you distinguish yourself in a sea of mixtapes. Do not be typecast in prefabricated moulds because you will stop using styles that could help you emerge just because you are not part of that model if it is part of you do not let yourself experiment.

  1. Be humble

Reaching the top is not easy, and just as we help others, we must remember those who helped us achieve our goals. This point is not limited to the support network mentioned above or backstage contacts. Your audience is also important.

There are people who will make sacrifices just to see you, who will spend their money just to listen to you, who will be the ones who will give you the lifestyle you fight for, and they owe them your work. Take your time to create a relationship with your audience on stage and with your followers on the networks. Feedback is very important and not only from connoisseurs but from anyone who finds refuge in your work.

  1. Learn business

We all know bands that seem very good to us and even have a fan club, but they don't end up getting anywhere. So that the same does not happen to you, you need to balance the love of art with business knowledge. It does not mean that you have to study too much sometimes it is enough to delegate this obligation to someone you trust or pay for a business advisor to help you with advertising, contracts and even network management if things get out of control. You can't do it all alone. 

Some labels offer these services of financial or advertising advice, but if you have not signed with anyone, still look for your own right hand that knows how to manage your money (or the absence of it) to create your public figure together.

  1. Be realistic, but have faith

These two terms seem contradictory, but they are not both are fundamental weapons, it is not enough to have passion (but this list would be much shorter), you must understand that even if you are very talented, there will always be someone better than you, you can be a big fish in a small pond, but there will always be the sea. Just as you need to have faith in yourself and your effort. 

To understand and internalize the negative part of your musical ambitions, you must do the same with the positive. Seeing the success of others is not the absence of your success (as in points 3 and 4). The possibility that you will not be successful in 1 year does not mean that you cannot be successful over time. See things as they are and believe in yourself because that knowledge will take you far

  1. Be constant

This is linked to all points; passion is nothing, but you work it, passion is not enough if you do not strive every day to focus that passion for making your dreams come true. You cannot find yourself if you do not do a constant internal exploration exercise if you do not look again and again for what makes you special. You cannot help someone once a year; friendship and union need type and work. 

You can't learn the business in a couple of days or find someone from a business that you can trust in a week. I think they understand. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is giving up too soon. YouTubers who are now famous can tell you that the vast majority were making videos at least two years before their followers grew exponentially. Your passion is just the starting force; the constancy will give you success.

Posted in: Music
Topics: music
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