Arslan Hassan
by on June 25, 2020
The Coronavirus has shuttered down factories, small industries, and transport in several countries. While this unprecedented situation poses many threats and challenges, it has definitely had a positive effect on the environment. Clear blue Delhi skies previously clouded with thick smog, and the gleaming water of Venice are clear evidence of this change.

After December 19, when the virus was first discovered in Wuhan, the life of a common-man has upended. Since people are hunkered down in their homes, a dramatic drop is observed in pollution and the emission of greenhouse gasses.

Let us have a look at some recent stats:

- The pollution rate in New York is reduced by 50%

- China experienced a 25% drop in carbon emissions at the start of 2020

- Europe's study reported fading images of Nitrogen dioxide towards Northern Italy.

- UK and Spain are also experiencing a significant drop down in carbon emissions

Let's now look at the effects of COVID-19 on the environment in more detail.

1. Improved Air Quality

Due to less pollution, the quality of the air has improved a lot. Dramatic improvements were observed in China and the USA, along with the rest of the world. According to NASA, air quality improved by 30% in the USA. One of the best researchers of air quality, Fei Liu, revealed that this much improvement in such a big area was observed for the first time in history.

Another researcher from Stanford University was of the view that the improvement in air quality will contribute to saving the life of people. Although controversial, the researcher argued that improvements in air quality can save 20% more lives as compared to the deaths caused by the virus.

2. Lower Harmful Gas Emissions

Due to slow economic conditions, emissions are controlled for the time being. China, which stands first in gas emissions, is showing a jaw-dropping decrease in carbon emissions. The reason being that production has been halted due to COVID-19, and so factories are not churning out harmful gasses in the air.

While these signs are positive, environmentalists are not too excited. According to experts, these emission rates will pick up higher than ever once the pandemic subsides. Emissions also reduced during the economic crises of 2008-2009. However, the revival of the economy increased the demand for fossil fuels even more than before.

3. No Airline Emissions

Travel restrictions are another big contributor to the decrease in carbon emissions worldwide. International travel has been restricted for more than 2 months now, and even domestic flights are far and few in between.

As compared to last year, 67 million fewer passengers have traveled in 2020. Researchers are trying to predict how worse the situation will get. The virus is not going to end soon; thus, airlines are suspended until further notice.

This sudden drop in the number of flights has directly contributed to the lower carbon emissions. However, this drop in emissions will only last until the virus lasts. When things get back to normal, traveling will resume, and carbon emissions will increase again.

4. No Traffic Emissions

Restrictions on terrestrial transportation is another big reason for reduced carbon emissions. Public transport has been greatly reduced, whereas personal vehicles are being used less frequently as people are staying at home.

The contagious disease has made it necessary for people to stay at home, work from their homes, maintain social distancing, and not visit public placing unless necessary. Therefore, these people are not using their cars, hence the low carbon emissions. Less traffic on the roads means reduced emissions and a less polluted environment.

On the other hand, home deliveries have increased considerably. Companies are offering home delivery to keep their businesses running. Along with retail, service sector companies are also going door to door. For instance, Carpet Cleaning Windsor, a cleaning service that required consumers to bring in their carpets, is now going to their homes to pick and drop carpets.

Similarly, restaurants are delivering food, grocery stores are shipping groceries, and so on. This has certainly increased the use of transport for deliveries, but still, the emissions are down because billions of people are staying at home.

Is It A Fleeting Or A Long-Lasting Change?

This clean environment came at the cost of thousands of lives, a disrupted world economy, and mental peace. Though the future is unpredictable, this pandemic will come to its end someday. Businesses will revive, travel will thrive, and economic activities will boom again.

Kimberly Nickolas, a Professor at Lund University in Sweden, argued that this change is temporary. He explained that vehicles contribute to 72% and aviation 11% to the total greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions have decreased for the time being because people are enclosed in their homes, and businesses are shut down.

While many believe that these emissions will revive again after the pandemic, Nickolas believes that the pandemic will change social behaviors permanently. He claims that people who have been doing remote work will not prefer to work from offices again. Additionally, the fear of death and habit of living with social distancing will not let people come back to their usual routine all of a sudden.

People have developed a habit of remote working, interacting through digital means, and enjoying food at home rather than dining in. They have experienced the ease and benefits of these habits. Now, it is expected that, if not all, many of us will prefer to continue with the new way of doing things.

This fact is backed by social science research conducted at a Zurich University. During the study, people who were unable to drive a car were provided an e-bike for the time being. After their recovery, they use their cars less and an e-bike more because they have found the bike to be much easier in comparison to the car.

This proves that the environment is likely to stay healthy after the revival of the economy. Researchers are optimistic about seeing less pollution in the future and hoping to continue the environment –friendly activities for the long-term.

Interestingly, 0.3% fewer global emissions are predicted to be experienced in 2020. We have never wished to have a healthy environment this way. On the one hand, the dreadful virus has taken precious lives and infected millions of people. However, on the other hand, it has shown that communities can bring a big difference in the environment if they stand firm for a united cause.

Posted in: Health
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