by on July 14, 2020
The new toronto digital marketing agency strategies that 2020 brings are too many, and with this come new tips that can help you achieve your goals and those of your customers.

What do you always use to see the performance of your campaigns? That's right, the metrics , and it is that these are the result of all your efforts, because this is where you see the relevant data on the success that the implemented strategies have had, from likes , clicks, reactions, impressions, conversions, etc.

An easy way to summarize these metrics is usually done with reports , documents that summarize some data and explain, either to the client or to the director of the company, the results of the campaigns.

After the analysis of all the information, comes the feedback , because thanks to the reports we can see where improvements can be made and work on them.

Metrics in context

Starting with the metrics, it is necessary that in addition to understanding them, they know how to explain, since not all the numbers are negative and positive. By this we mean that it is necessary to first analyze the context of the metrics, since we can have, for example, 5% bounce on a landing page , and although the number sounds great, the metrics of this type of pages usually range between 25 and 45%, this means that some monitoring data is surely misconfigured on the site where you analyze the metrics and therefore the visits and their interaction are not being properly registered.

Organize the data of your reports

Continuing with the reports, it is important that all the information handled is clear, since it is about the client seeing the data and understanding it instantly, in addition to interpreting the figures appropriately and not distracting them.

These numbers serve to reduce the space and not form large numbers of numbers in the reports, but it is not always good to put them this way, especially when the same line is not followed. A clear example is the one that happens with YouTube , where the figures in videos with massive visits do not correspond to each other, because on the one hand we can have 2.6 M likes , and on the other 77,467 dislikesThis makes the largest number look like the most relevant to the naked eye, which can cause a bad impression. The recommended thing when using this type of numbers is to use the same level, if we put 2.6 M likes, the dislikes should be represented in millions, which would mean an amount of 0.077 M, in this way we know more clearly which is the largest number without no problem.

Corrects and applies new knowledge

As part of the feedback, it is necessary to analyze all the strategies implemented and make the improvements that the reports show, this is a fundamental part of the maintenance of the campaigns and helps us to define new strategies in addition to learning how different markets behave

If you want to know more about the benefits offered by digital marketing strategies , we invite you to visit , where you can learn about the world of digital marketing, as well as learn about our services such as web page development, SEO positioning, analysis website, social media management and more.
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