Selena Cass
by on July 21, 2020
Litmus, which is an app for email testing, came out with the data from around 3 billion emails. It was not astonishing as netizens now are very moody about reading emails, and this, of course, cannot be controlled by the marketers. However, we can make changes and send such emails that are related so that consumers read them. Let’s see the findings of Litmus and learn how you can use them in your favor.
1. Emailing the clients
Consumers read their emails through their email sites such as Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, etc. However, there are so many email sites arriving in the scenario every day. And all of them have a different interface for showing your email. Outlook might show your email properly but Rediff might not or vice versa. These sites are not just one or two; there are 30 plus such email sites. Now how do you know about all of these sites and how they work? Even though you cannot preview your email in all of them, you can test the topmost of them through email testing. Get an inbuilt email tester in your ESP, and check your emails by forming dummy accounts on the leading email sites and send your try email to each of those accounts for a preview.
2. Mobiles Over Computers
During the Litmus testing, it was also found that mobile opens are the most popular way through which people read emails. As per the data, about 51% of total opens in 2013 happened on mobile phones in 2013. This is because mobile phones are much handy and provide the same content in a small space in various screen sizes. You don’t know on which device your consumers are opening the email, but you can make the templates of your email responsive so that they promptly adapt to the shape and size of the device.
Contact your email service provider and ask them for responsive email templates. If the provider doesn’t deal with responsive templates, they can help you with some marketplace where you can find designers who will create free responsive templates for you. Remember that your goal is not to make them open the email; it is to make them click on the link of your website’s landing page.
There are cases where marketers optimize their template according to mobile users but provide them the landing link of the website, which cannot be viewed on mobile. Make sure you don’t do this and focus on both of these elements.
3. Cutting Off of Subject Line
When it comes to mobiles, another thing to focus on is that different devices end your subject line at various spots. Also, not all of them allow you to see a preview line. What your consumers see in the subject line is very important during email marketing. If you do not adequately do this, the metrics will go down. You can avoid all this by keeping your subject line as short as possible and trying to provide the basic idea of the subject into the first three to four words.
4. Filters And Tabs On Gmail
In 2013, Gmail changed the way it handles emails by launching tabs. These tabs are auto sorted into notifications, and promotional, and auto-triggered alerts. Litmus data shows that there has been a 27% decline in the Gmail opens. However, click rates and unsubscribers are unaffected, and engagement ratios have grown. Therefore it seems like even after separate tabs, users are still opening emails that actually deserve an open, which increases engagement. These are only a few from the whole lot. Hence you can always find out one of the other ways and stand out your email in the promotional folder.
5. Restricted Images
Except for Gmail, many of the email servers block emails in the promotional emails. Though you cannot control this, you can still work this out. Through email testing, you can see which servers support images. Also, do not rely on images as a part of your email strategy and focus on the written content.
Posted in: computer
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