by on September 16, 2020
The Coronavirus pandemic has thrown everyone off their routine. Many have lost their jobs, or had to bring their work home to try to balance their work-home lives.
The stress of trying to balance work and home life at the same time is a new challenge for many. Not only are they trying to manage their work schedules, but their spouse and children are home as well.
It’s no secret that stress leads to weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health conditions that are difficult to manage when there is no balance. Many people don’t realize they’re putting on extra pounds just sitting at home all day. It’s not safe to go to the gym or other public areas. You’re also helping your children with their schoolwork, and you’re keeping up with the household.
Fortunately, you don’t have to fall into a cycle of stress and weight gain. There are changes you can make in your home that requires some dedication. Follow these simple tips to keep yourself from gaining weight during the pandemic.
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