Alice Johnn
by on September 29, 2020
No doubt that the internet has countless benefits that make life more comfortable, but many times it also creates security risks for us. The Internet is open for everyone, including the corrupt people that want to steal money and resources from others. Therefore, cyber attackers can also target you anytime as long as you are online. They might try to infect your computer or smartphone with viruses, malicious files and programs.
To stay away from these threats, you first need to learn what mistakes to avoid while accessing the internet and especially when downloading something. Almost 9 out of 10 cyber assaults become successful when a user downloads something to their device.
You can protect yourself from these attacks by avoiding these 5 things while downloading files:
Installing Cloned and Malicious Apps
Downloading applications from the web can sometimes be pretty dangerous. When you save apps to your device from random sites, you might somehow download a cloned app that can steal information from your device. Many people have accidentally downloaded malicious apps to their computer and smartphone. The results are very horrifying as these apps can read your bank account credentials and send them to the attackers. These apps are capable of ruining your bank balance overnight.
Therefore, never download and install an application to your equipment from untrusted sources. As long as possible, only use the default app store for your device to download apps. Never download patched or cracked softwares which can do the same harm.
Downloading Without Having Any Antivirus
Any file you download from the web might be infected with viruses. Therefore, first, you should ensure your device has high-quality antivirus software installed. A decent security program can scan files that you download into your device. The antivirus can stop the file before it infects your system. If your device doesn’t have any cybersecurity program, then you will be almost helpless when you download a virus accidentally.
Therefore, never download a file from the internet as long as your device has no antivirus. These days, many third-party software companies are developing security programs for various operating systems, including Android, Windows, MacOS, and iOS.
Installing a Program Without Reading User Reviews
Reading reviews about a software or app helps us to know how safe a file is to download and use. Other people that have used the program can warn you about the pitfalls of installing the app. If you see any review in which a user mentions that the app is unsafe, has malware or viruses, then strictly avoid it.
Downloading Modified Software or App
If you want to download a premium app for free, you may navigate to the unsafe websites. These websites might provide promised apps with exact features, but the developers can also play with your computer data. Mostly cracked apps contain hidden viruses and dangerous codes. Please stay away from these types of apps and files.
Clicking Tricky Pop-Ups
When you visit sites on the internet, especially a third-party software distributor site, you may see frequent pop-up ups on your screen. These pop-ups can make you accidentally download files that can be potentially risky. So be aware of these automatic prompts when you surf the internet.
We hope you will try not to make the above mentioned mistakes while downloading stuff from the internet.
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Posted in: software, Technology
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