Aarav D
by on October 3, 2020
Investing in silver is a wise practice, primarily because its value almost always appreciates over time. The silver price today, at the rate that you purchase, is likely to go up even in a few days’ time. Many tend to buy gold when investing in precious metals, and as a result, silver almost always gets overlooked. However silver is just as lucrative an investment if you keep an eye on the daily rates and buy and sell at the right time. Silver is as much currency and a commodity like gold. Moreover, silver tends to have a higher overall perceived value than gold because it has a wider range of applications, such as in industry. Silver generally exists in the market in the form of bullion coins, industrial products, and jewelry. It is also listed in many stock exchanges as a traded or a tradeable product, so silver price today is a reliable indicator of the market’s status. Why Invest In Physical Silver? The intrinsic value of silver as a precious metal is relatively strong because it is available in abundance the world over. This essentially means that there is always a market for silver, no matter where you are. Bullion silver is also of higher value, and sales of physical silver have been seen to increase exponentially in recent years. This is mainly due to the fact that silver as an element lends itself to many industrial applications, and it’s been around for thousands of years as physical currency. The one possible drawback of silver is that economic or industrial downturns can affect its value. This translates to less control over its value, from a consumer perspective. The price of silver today, when you buy it, could depreciate drastically due to factors that are completely out of the control of the consumer who buys it. However silver has always bounced back, no matter how dire the situation that brings its value down. So in the long run, it’s safe to say that investing in physical silver is a good move. Buying silver coins or bullions is a good way to hedge against inflation and other financial market changes, so be sure to check the silver price today! Silver is real money, without a doubt. It may not be part of our official currency but it still has a physical, tangible value, and therefore, it isn’t vulnerable to devaluation like paper or digital currency. With physical silver, there is virtually no counterparty risk - meaning that once you buy it, you own it and you don’t need the seller or the market to make good on their end of the deal. Silver also has zero default risk, in that it has never been known to have been defaulted on, ever in history. Silver has also been used much longer in history than gold, as currency, making its physical value even stronger. What does this mean for you, the buyer that’s thinking of investing in it? You’ll have a real asset in your hands, that has been used as money for centuries, the world over. This is definitely an advantage in today’s world of digital trading and paper profits. Silver is also a physical commodity that’s considerably cheaper than gold. This makes it much more affordable for the average investor, and it’s more practical to sell when the time comes. This is mostly because silver is available in smaller denominations or units, so you can sell what you need to, and nothing more. Silver is mostly considered second to gold because it isn’t used as widely to manufacture coins anymore. Many governments around the world do not stock silver reserves any more - in fact, only the United States, India, and Mexico have silver reserves. However, the industrial application of physical silver is definitely on the upturn, with more and more uses being found every year. From electronics and batteries to solar panels and medical uses, silver is an indispensable precious metal. Silver has unique characteristics that make it applicable to expansive industrial use, so the demand for silver is always likely to increase. This is definitely another good reason to invest in physical silver if you’re thinking of building a sound portfolio that will stand you in good stead on a rainy day. You could start by checking the silver price today! Surging demand for silver has been observed most in India and China, particularly in the recent past. Both countries have cultural and historic associations with precious metal, and government mints have seen record sales, operating at maximum capacity to manufacture silver coins. Both markets project only increased demand for industry and coinage, with rapidly expanding populations and considerably larger markets than the west. This growing demand for physical silver is perhaps a response to the growing wave of e-currency and digital markets, and also reports of lack of regulation over user data in the hands of the government. All in all, silver is a great investment in the short and long term, particularly if you live in the US, India, Mexico or China. It will almost surely give you a return on your investment that you will be happy with.
Posted in: Property Investment
Topics: gold, invest, money, property
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