Anu Sharma
by on October 26, 2020
Those who are born between the 22nd of September and the 22nd of October, fall under the zodiac sign of Libra. Libra Horoscope is depicted by the symbol of the Scales and is ruled by the planet of love- Venus. Librans are well balanced, charming, and joyful individuals who love adventures and living life to the fullest. They love their freedom and are also very kind and generous. Again, people born between December 21 and January 19 come under the sun sign of Capricorn. Capricorn today is ruled by the planet of Earth and comes under the element of Earth. The sea-goat symbolizes a Capricorn. Capricorns love to hustle and are always on the go. They are focused and always aim high. Their ambition drives them and they are fiercely independent. What happens when these two iconic signs come together? Let’s find out! Libra and Capricorn compatibility: Trust. It may seem strange, but in reality, a Libra and a Capricorn share great levels of trust between each other. Capricorns always possess the quality of honesty and in turn make a Libra follow their path by being very strict about lying. If they balance out each other well, trust between a Libra and a Capricorn can be carried to their graves. Intimacy. Sadly, Libra and Capricorn possess low levels of intimacy as they are not attracted by each other. As friends, they can be happy but when it comes to crossing the bridge and stepping into intimate relations, both lack the firing chemistry that is needed. Communication. Libra and Capricorn belong to the element of Air and Earth respectively which instantly sets them off when with each other. Although both are generous beings, when together, they can get so stubborn that no one wants to agree with the other and in turn fight for days. However, the key is again, balance. If both individuals learn to appreciate each other, they can have very interesting conversations as both possess high levels of intellect. Emotions. Libra is ruled by the planet of love which means they feel very deeply. They generally express such emotions but the only thing that comes in their way is the fear of judgment. On the other hand, a Capricorn too feels a lot of emotions and lacks necessary filters while expressing them. This is exactly the judgment a Libra fears and thus, the one thing which inhibits them from expressing their feelings. All in all, a Libra and a Capricorn may not possess high levels of compatibility, especially when it comes to relationships but can be really good friends. With the right amount of balance, they can also work their way out and build a sweet relationship together.
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