Sales Hive
by on October 28, 2020
Businesses today, whether B2B or B2C are always looking to find ways to generate leads and try social outreach to maximize the sales funnel. However, all platforms can not be sufficient for all businesses; that’s why many marketers fail and lose their huge money while leveraging social media or running Ad campaigns. When it comes to B2B lead generation, without a doubt LinkedIn messaging works well and as a gold mine.

With the diverse, ever-growing user base, LinkedIn messaging, features, and tools make it easy for marketers as well as a B2B business to find their targets in the crowd and speak to them with put-together content in a way they would expect.

Lately, with the uncertain times, B2B marketers have been worried about their ability to generate leads on social media. Moreover, with the changing algorithm of other platforms, like Facebook and Twitter, they are continuing to limit the organic reach of the posts somewhat.

But no need to stress- savvy marketers and a B2B lead generation agency knows that marketing on LinkedIn can prove to be a goldmine for generating leads, promoting your business through leadership content, and driving traffic to the company’s website.

The users on LinkedIn are professionals from every industry who are on the platform during working hours with their business caps on. It has effectively helped businesses to solidify their professional networks that every business is seeking and has already become an inevitable part of digital marketing.

How to use LinkedIn messaging for social outreach?

Social outreach with the help of LinkedIn messaging sounds like sifting through a mountain of businesses and individuals who will most likely convert into paying customers with the right ways and techniques. Like mining for gold takes a lot of time but for success, it also relies on knowing where to look for.

Earlier, for sales prospecting cold calling was the major source for arranging meetings, networking over lunch, and putting new brands in front of the potential customers for every opportunity possible.

In the digital world of today, the majority of decisions are made via online content, the ways of prospecting have changed for the better. Whether businesses are just getting started or already on LinkedIn, it is important that they know all the basics in the right order to increase their chances of success.

1. Beef up your business profile

If you don’t have a page on LinkedIn, setting up one is the obvious first step! It is essential to know like any marketing undertaking, the process of marketing undertaking on LinkedIn is a constant process, takes time to develop, settle in, and deliver results. Be as specific to your marketing team or lead generation agency about the industry section, the job title of decision-maker, location, and more you want to target.

2. Identify Connection Message

A connection message is the first thing that a prospect gets from you- before they connect with you. It is crucial that the content plan is designed around what prospects will want to read and what would add value to their business. Just say a ‘hello’, be polite, don't try to sell on the first go, and express the reason for contacting or just initiate general conversation.

3. Prepare an offer message, in case they accept your request to connect

This is the main part where many companies falter. This message involves what you have to offer and it should not be a dry explanation of how business can benefit or how much the business has grown. That’s not what lead generation is. Instead, businesses need to create a roadmap for every aspect and speak directly and invite them to convert.

4. For high-quality leads, try InMail campaigns

The leads nurtured from LinkedIn are far more superior as compared to those acquired via other social media channels. To facilitate better leads, businesses have the option to create sponsored InMail campaigns to reach potential clients using a personalized message.
Posted in: Social Media, Business
Topics: b2b, linkedin, sales
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