John Jack
by on November 9, 2020
If pushing deadlines, lack of sleep and overall lack of focus and health is giving you stress, automatically the copies you will craft will be of poor quality. Regardless of what you are writing, whether it is product copywriting, social media posts, metadata, or blog posts, this fact rings true for every instance. Forget about writing tasks; when under stress or feeling a lack of well-being, you are highly likely to make mistakes even when sending an email to a friend or family! Want to know the #1 reason for this poor copywriting? – Unproductive habits! We know for a lot of professionals such as news writers, the rush factor emerges. But then again, the majority of these hurried situations can be easily attributed to a lack of effective productivity habits at the top of the workflow chain. Despite where these poor productivity habits stem from, unproductive habits and awful time management are the prime culprits here. And there is no way you can engage an audience if you are creating trash copies. In this blog, we will discuss seven effective copywriting hacks that will help you craft engaging copies. Stay super focused and keep these hacks in mind to maximize your productivity! Work With Zero Distractions First things first – there should be zero distractions while working; none at all. No scrolling social media, no checking emails, no text messages, no phone calls, and no disturbances from family members or co-workers if working remotely. Because one thing that you need to keep in mind is distractions are the chief drivers of poor copywriting. Therefore before you sit down to work on any writing tasks, do the following: Turn off all the notifications from social media, emails, phones, etc. Keep your mobile on silent mode and flip it upside down and place it somewhere away from your reach. Only keep one window/tab open. If you are writing online using a platform like Google Docs, just keep that tab open and if using Word, close all web browsers. Tell your co-workers or family members (if working remotely) to not disturb you while you are writing. Start Blocking Your Hours Just like conducting keyword research is a basic principle of SEO; likewise, blocking your hours is a basic principle of TMO (time management optimization). When you manage your time wisely, your productivity gets revved-up automatically. Don’t just block your hours for writing, do it for everything throughout your whole day. Start your day by planning out your entire day in portions of time. There are multiple tools available online that you can use to help you schedule your day better. Make sure you complete all the tasks on the assigned time and try sticking to your schedule as strictly as possible. It might seem a bit tough in the beginning (easier said than done), but eventually, it will become a habit (a good one)! While emergencies like illness or family problems might happen anytime, don’t allow anticipated emergencies like a client demanding a sudden meeting or unplanned project to confiscate your blocked hours. Simply blocking your hours will help you in streamlining your productivity. Put this into practice, and soon you will be able to build effective copies more consistently. Prioritize Your Tasks While you are blocking your hours, prioritize the writing projects that require your most focus and energy and do them when you are most focused and energized. Well, ideally, this time will be early in the morning before you check your social media or open/respond to emails. Just like we discussed in the first point, these two are the biggest distractions that strip your creativity levels off, and whatever the matter be (good or bad), it will stick around, even if you think otherwise. Another best time to finish off your priority tasks is after you take a quick break since your mind gets ‘refreshed’ that time, allowing you to focus better and supercharge your energy levels. Outline Your Content This simple hack will simplify your whole content writing process much more than you’d think, although most copywriters often ignore this step. Outlining your content will help you in organizing your thoughts and establishing a high-level flow before you dive into the more in-depth details. While you continue writing, your content’s outline will typically shift, so there’s no need to stress too much about having the ‘perfect’ outline. Just outline your thoughts in the clearest way possible and fill in the grainy details as you proceed. For example, for this blog that you are reading right now, the outline included the introduction, headings (the seven hacks), and the conclusion. It is not necessary that you outline your writing piece the moment you sit down to finish the task. Ideas pop up all the time, especially in the minds of people whose jobs involve lots of creativity, and most of the time, these ideas cross your mind when you are not thinking about writing or the project at all. Therefore, be sure to write down the idea in a notepad or in your mobile, tablet, laptop, whatever is available right away. Don’t Hesitate to Ask Questions Many young writers tend to skip asking questions, whether it’s about a particular correction from an editor or about a subtlety they noticed within a client’s service. People usually assume that others would think they are dumb. Therefore, their master plan is to learn everything on their own or try to find out whatever it is that they need to know without any input from people who actually know the answer to their question. Having questions in your mind will do you no good, except rob your focus and boundless time. And all of this could be avoided if they just got up, asked, got an answer, and then went on writing with a clear mind. Asking questions continuously is the key to becoming a productive copywriter. So don’t ever feel stupid asking questions and always go for the quickest way to get an immediate answer. This simple hack will help in streamlining your writing efforts and creating more quality work in less time, thus boosting your productivity. Embrace Mind Recharge Breaks This is just our way of saying that you must take quick breaks from work mandatorily. And by this, we don’t just mean throughout the day, but also for prolonged periods on a weekly basis. Taking compulsory pauses from work lets you refresh your brain or recharge your creative units. For example, let’s say we have 100 creative units maximum at a particular time. Now when you indulge in a writing task with your complete focus for two hours straight, you will probably be left with just a few remaining units. The same applies to when you spend an hour in responsive mode, checking and replying to emails and useless social media posts. Meaning, after every writing session, you need to take out some time and relax to refill your creative units as much as you can. This is the only way you will be able to complete your next task and produce a writing piece that is truly engaging. Do whatever works for you – whether a quick bike ride or walk in your garden, or playing with your pet to restore your mental creativity. However, remember, daily breaks are a must, and so are weekly breaks. Pick a day in the week and get away from all work. Taking out time for yourself will help you have a clearer and creative mind to be more productive. Optimize Your Health This point reinforces the point mentioned above. This goes without saying – if our body is at its optimal health, so will our mind. And when a healthy body and mind work together, it leads to an excellent creation of smooth, high-flow, and engaging content (for writers). Now, the best practices to stay healthy takes place both during and after work. Wherever you are, the key to achieving optimal health is regularly exercising every week, and having healthy eating habits. When not in the office, exercising and eating a healthy diet is simple. You just cling to your weekly pact and do it. However, things work very differently when you are inside the office, and this applies to all situations, whether you are working remotely or actually in the company’s office. That’s because the workflow and office meetings cause most employees to eat junk food and stay hooked to their chairs all day. But you need to fight these bad eating habits anyway possible. And about the exercise regime, you can try keeping a mini-trampoline in your office if possible. Otherwise, go for a stand-up desk. It will keep you on your feet throughout the day, which will help maintain your energy level as well as promote better posture. This simple hack will help you stay productive and focused on creating quality content more consistently. Conclusion Lack of productivity makes an unhappy and bad writer. Most excuses that writers like to give is that the pay isn’t good or they can’t work full-time because there’s no work simply. But the truth is these are false opinions. The need for writers has skyrocketed now more than ever for businesses, and everyone wants quality along with quantity. However, quality must always override quantity. But when you become highly productive as a writer, that same quantity element will help you grab more paychecks for a work that you love doing while also saving you more time to do the same more efficiently. The seven effective copywriting hacks mentioned in this blog are easy to implement and very beneficial in boosting your productivity. So try these out today and experience the magic yourself! Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for Tireless IT Services. Tireless IT Services is a SEO, SMO, PPC, Digital Marketing and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, web designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more. SOURCE : Boost Your Productivity With These 7 Effective Copywriting Hacks
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