Michael Nielsen
by on November 15, 2020

Why choose WordPress for your new webpage?

Here at the end of 2020, WordPress is still the most used CMS system for websites around the world. Almost 40% of all websites are made in the WordPress system, which says a quite bit about how popular the system is. But why choose a WordPress website instead of one of the many other website systems available? Let's take a closer look at some of the many benefits of WordPress and why people are loving this system.

WordPress is really easy to use

Most people who have been using another website CMS system will probably nod in recognition, when I say that the WordPress system is really easy to use for you as a user. You can quickly set up new page, correct existing pages, replace images and the like without any kind of knowledge of web design or HTML. It is quite straightforward and quick to get started with without a big class on how to use the system. If you have never had any experience with a CMS system, it will most likely require a little introduction to be able to use the system correctly, but most people will quickly discover that it is quite easy to use - once you have tried it. Also for the web designer, it is a system that most people will find really easy to work with. You can quickly build a new website and add the features that are needed to get a new website up and running quickly. This is also one of the things that helps keep the price of a website down, unlike many other CMS systems where you easily end up paying 3-4 times the price of a WordPress website.

Read more Why a WordPress website is the best choice

WordPress is a free system

The core WordPress CMS system is free to download and use. Both for private webpages or blogs, but also for business websites or webshops. So you do not have to go out and invest a lot of money in a new CMS system or pay a monthly fee like some CMS systems charges. You can even download lots of free themes, though not quite in the same quality as the themes you pay for. Some extensions also cost to use, some with a monthly payment, others a one-time price. Whether you need any of these paid extensions depends entirely on what requirements you have for your website. In many cases we you could get a website up and running just fine just with the free extensions and themes. So what do you pay for when you choose to hire a web agency to make a new website for you? This will typically be the time spent on setting up and configuring the entire CMS system and the plugins you will need for your website. To redesign an existing theme to so that it fits your visual identity and your target audience. Setup of the front page, contact page and subpages. Having optimized the theme for things like SEO and conversions. Optimized security and load speed and all the other small tings you need to get website that suits your needs. All of which can quickly run up to 15-50 hours of work. So even though the WordPress system itself is free to use, it still requires some skill and time to get a website up and running.

WordPress is very scalable

A really huge advantage of this popular CMS system is that the system can be easily scaled as needed. If you have a website that suddenly starts to get a lot of visitors, or you need to expand the website with tons of heavy videos or images, then a simple upgrade of your server's hardware will often be enough to solve the problem and make everything running smootly again. WordPress is used both for many very small websites and blogs, but also for many big company websites. There are so many options in the WordPress system - that it can be used for almost anything. There will of course be a few cases, where a more targeted and more specific CMS is a better solution, but in most cases a WordPress system will be able to take care of all your needs when it comes to building the right website.

Read more: Are WordPress useful for CSS coding?

Really easy to expand with new features and functions

You will not find any other system with as many plugins as WordPress. Almost every function you can imagine, a plugin has been created to provide that functionality for your website. They do not always solve the problem exactly as you would like, and in many cases it is a not the optimal solution, but they do exist. And in many cases, it's a free extension. You may need a booking system on your website, a module for collecting newsletters or multiple languages. All things that can be solved by installing and customizing a plugin on your site. This is without doubt one of the greatest strengths of WordPress. Imagine having to code every little feature from scratch as you do in some CMS systems.

Easy to modify and customize

The CMS system itself is open source, which means that it has a source code that you can customize as needed. Compared to many other CMS systems like wix or webflow, WordPress is relatively easy to work with and customize to your needs if you need a custom solution. With some knowledge of HTML, CSS and PHP you can do almost anything in the WordPress system, which is also one of the reasons why many web developers have starting switching to WordPress.

Read more: Webflow - a solid but limited CMS system

You can expande your website with a webshop

If you have an existing WordPress website and would like to to also be able to sell products or services from, this is also possible. In WordPress, there is a webshop module called WooCommerce which provides full webshop functionality and makes it really easy to sell your stuff online. An excellent solution for you who already have a WordPress website, or for you who are considering starting a new webshop and do not want to pay the high prices a pure shopping system often cost. Imagine buying a Magento webshop for less than 2000$. WooCommerce is a really good webshop system for most people who are interested in selling their products online. However, there will be situations where a dedicated shopping system like Magento or ShopWare will be a better choice, but for many, WooCommerce will do just fine. It's also one of the most popular webshop systems here in 2020, something I doublt will change in 2021.
Topics: wordpress
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Like December 24, 2021