SEM Reseller
by on November 18, 2020

Do you have an online store or a company with an internet presence? Then surely you continually hear about how important SEO positioning is on a web page. It is not for less, because achieving a good web positioning is essential for online business. And this is the objective for which SEO works: to get a certain web page to achieve the best positioning in Google.

If this is so important it is because good web positioning is synonymous with visibility and visibility is synonymous with visits and more customers. And who does not aspire to that? Surely you want it too! It is for this reason that in this post, we are going to see in detail what SEO positioning in digital marketing consists of and why it is essential to increase the sales of your business. Following are the main basic strategies which all the top SEO Company in India follows to bring your website in Google search results.

What is SEO positioning in digital marketing?

SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization, that is, optimization for search engines. The concept refers to the set of techniques used so that a web page responds in the most efficient way possible to the query that a user makes on Google. The better it does, that is, the better the SEO of the web page, the higher it will appear in the results returned by the Google search engine.

If we talk about Google and not other search engines, it is because it accounts for 95% of searches both on desktops, laptops, and smartphones, making it, by far, the most used search engine in the world.

An SEO positioning strategy will combine several techniques so that your website can appear among those first positions, because let's face it, if your website is not in the first positions, it is as if it did not exist. To speak of "visibility" your website will have to be on the first page or, what is the same, among the top 10 Google results, since it is proven that only 5% of users go to the second page while searching for any query.

As you can see, SEO positioning is one of the most essential areas in the world of digital marketing, and a professional SEO company in India will combine this strategy with other techniques such as email marketing, content marketing, web analytics, SEM, presence in networks, social, or marketing automation.

How to do SEO positioning?

Well, now that you know what SEO means and how important it is in digital marketing when it comes to generating visibility, you may wonder how you can start positioning a web page.

The first thing to do is understand how search engines work, or simply how Google works. Surely you have heard of their famous search algorithm. Well, this refers to the mathematical formula that the search engine uses to position the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page) about the keywords or keywords that a user uses to enter their query in the search engine.

This algorithm changes permanently, that is why SEO positioning specialists follow it very closely, to determine which web positioning strategies are always the most appropriate. The Google algorithm is built around the clear premise: the maximum to satisfy the user performing the search. Therefore, it will always try to offer you the highest quality content. To assess it, Google takes into account dozens of factors, such as the popularity of the page on the Internet-based on its inbound links, the location, and frequency of keywords, or the geolocation of the search by users.

To index content, that is, to be able to include it in its search results, Google uses so-called bots that crawl the millions of web pages and later add them to an index or index. If your website is not included in this Google index, it will not be able to be shown to users. To get it to be you must make it easy for your bot to track it and include it in the said index.

As soon as your page has been indexed, something that you can check in Google Search Console, it's time to get to work to improve the SEO positioning of your website and try to make it appear as high as possible.

When it comes to positioning content, Google takes into consideration several factors that fall into two large groups: SEO On-Page and SEO Off-Page.


On-Page SEO encompasses all those optimizations that you can perform within your web page to improve its natural positioning (also called organic positioning), helping Google to index your content as quickly as possible. Obviously, the easier you make it, the better; but to achieve this, an internal job must be done on the web. Here are the techniques to achieve a good SEO On-Page:

● Keywords

Using keywords or keywords is essential to achieve good web positioning, but you should not lose the north and write only thinking of Google. Do not abuse them or force them in. Think that the recipient of your content is a person of flesh and blood like you; this often bothers users. Putting keywords left and right can work in a short-term way, but what matters is to position content in the long term; therefore we advise you to use synonyms and secondary keywords, but surely you are wondering how to choose the keywords? For this, good keyword research or keyword search is essential through specific tools.

● Tags and Meta tags

The web pages are written with HTML and CSS source code, although the user sees them decoded thanks to the browser. If you press CTRL + U in Google Chrome, you can see this code. To tell the browser how to interpret code snippets, tags are used. These are also used by Google when assessing the importance of content and positioning it. Therefore, if you optimize these tags, you can increase this positioning.

If you look at any search result, you will see that it shows the title, the URL, and below it a meta description. Therefore, you must take care of these three elements.

Thanks to your title, Google will interpret the theme of your web page, so you must make sure that it includes the main keyword and that it turns out to be an attractive title, which draws the attention of users. Also, make sure that it is not exceedingly long, otherwise, it will appear cut off, it is recommended that the title be between 30 to 65 characters.

As for the URL, as a general rule you should avoid including stop words, that is, prepositions, accents, or unnecessary characters, and try to include the category to which the page belongs, so that its content is easily identifiable. It is also convenient that you use the hyphens to separate the words.

Finally, the meta description works as a summary of the content you are offering, so it must synthesize it as best as possible and at the same time it has to awaken the interest of the user, for example including a CTA ( Call to Action / Call to Action)

● The images

Images are also crawled by Google, so you must assign them relevant names that include the content keyword, separating it with hyphens. It is also important that you consider the weight of the image, otherwise, it will negatively influence the loading speed of your web page, as well as the positioning.

● Internal links

Internal links count when positioning your website. It is important that you do them using keywords and that you are consistent. That is, put a link only when it is relevant to the content you are dealing with. It is also important that you make sure that they work correctly and that there are no broken links.

● External Links

These links are what you direct to web pages outside of yours, thus improving the reader's experience. As we mentioned for the internal ones when doing the external ones, you should also do it with common sense and link only to those pages that are relevant to complete the user experience.

● Structure of the website

When planning the structure of your website, put yourself in the shoes of your user. In what way is there more chance that I will interact with her and become a lead?

Do not overwhelm him with too much information and think less is more. A simple and well-connected website is a winning formula.

● The importance of "mobile searches"

The use of mobile phones for searching is on the rise, so your website must be displayed without problems from a smartphone and loads quickly.


Just as SEO On-Page depends entirely on you, the same does not happen with SEO Off-Page. This refers to those elements that occur outside of your page and over which you, therefore, have less control. To get better positioning, you must combine both types of SEO. SEO Off Page will not work if it is not supported by good SEO On Page. The most important “off-page” SEO strategy is the following:

● Link building

With this term, we refer to the strategy focused on increasing inbound links or backlinks, that is, links from other websites that point to yours. The interesting thing is that they link you to quality websites that are relevant to your topic. To achieve this, you can make a strategic link exchange with another page or comment on related blogs.

Link building manages to increase the authority of your page, because the more inbound links you have, Google considers that the more relevant you are in your field. And in the same way, increase your visibility and traffic to your website.

How to make an SEO strategy?

Now that you know the most important SEO terms, you can start building your SEO strategy. In short, the three fundamental pillars are the SEO analysis of the current situation of your website, and the improvement of both SEO On-Page and SEO Off-Page.

You must also consider the importance of voice searches for mobile phones, which are increasingly essential to implement in a web positioning strategy.

How can an SEO agency help you?

As you can see, the world of SEO presents some complexity and, above all, it requires being very aware of all the news that Google is introducing in its algorithm, so it may be convenient to leave this task in the hands of professionals. What is valid one day the next day no longer works.

We must bear in mind that SEO work is continuous and very dynamic. It is no use optimizing a page and forgetting. You must enter it and update it continuously and thus with all the pages of your website. It is a job that is sometimes ungrateful because overnight you can go from being in the first position to the second page of the search engine and only because Google has modified its algorithm.

In an SEO marketing company, you have a specialized team and sophisticated tools such as specific software such as SEMrush to analyze keywords, competitors, and trends. They also integrate SEO optimization in a joint vision with your digital marketing strategy.

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