James Dean
by on November 18, 2020
We naturally associate sunglasses with road trips and beaches - summer, in general. But when the winter arrives, we ditch them without thinking twice. Although we don’t see the sun much during the colder months, eyes are susceptible to damage.

What’s more? Snow on the ground reflects the light into our eyes and causes eye strain, glare, impaired vision, and many unpleasant issues. Fortunately, sunglasses are the best ways to protect your eyes. If you are still not convinced, let’s take a look at some more reasons why you must always wear sunglasses in Portland and Gresham in the winter.

Reduce Glare

During sunrise and sunset hours, the rays obstruct your general view, making it difficult to see for a few seconds what is in front of you. This happens due to sudden exposure to intense sunlight. Glares are generally worse in winter as the sun is lower on the horizon. It reflects at a lower anglem, and therefore, ice, snow, traffic lights, and rearview mirrors produce brighter reflections. But when you wear sunglasses, glare is significantly reduced, and you see much better while walking, driving, and skiing.

Protect From UV Rays

Everyone knows there are two types of UV radiation - UVA and UVB - that cause skin damage. But not many people know that prolonger exposure to ultraviolet rays, and especially in the winter, increase the chances of eye problems - including cataracts, macular degeneration, corneal sunburn, pterygium, and skin cancer around eyelids. The good news is your sunglasses can help you block these UV rays and keep your eyes safe from harmful sun rays. Wearing sunglasses in colder months also helps prevent wrinkling around the eyes.

Keep Dust And Debris At Bay

Do you know the reason behind watery eyes, dry eyes, and general eye irritation during the winter? The cold air that hits our eyes form reactionary tears - these are extra tears that form when the eyes are irritated. Due to sharp, cold wind, the tear film evaporates quickly and leaves the eyes uncomfortable dry. But wearing sunglasses act as a shield between cold winds and eyes. It reduces the evaporation of tears and helps to retain natural moisture.

Particles that land in our eyes on windy days cause irritation. Scratching them sometimes even cause a corneal abrasion. However, wearing wrap-around sunglasses can protect your eyes from dust and debris, even in the winter.

Reduce Headaches And Eye Strain

Pupils automatically constrict in bright lighting and dilate in dim lighting. Eye strains occur when pupils cannot adjust themselves to a comfortable brightness level in inadequate or extremely bright lighting. As retinas are sensitive to light, pupils cannot constrict enough to reduce exposure to light with bright sun and snow. As a result, you squint to adjust your eyes, which leads to eye strain and headaches. When you wear sunglasses, you drastically reduce the amount of light reaching your eyes.

Eye damages are scary, but you can protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses in the colder months. Whether you are looking for sunglasses in Gresham or Portland, be sure to invest in quality shades for your eyes' safety.

Author’s Bio – The author is an online blogger. This article is about wearing sunglasses in the winter.
Posted in: sports
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