Mila williams
by on November 19, 2020
There are very few characters in anime and manga that are as kind-hearted and loving as Goku. He not only fights to protect his loved ones, but he does not hesitate to put his life on the line to protect the planet or even the entire universe. Although he is undoubtedly one of the kindest protagonists we have, it would be wrong to presume that he was always like this. The younger Goku was horrifying and was nothing like the grown-up Saiyan, who would sacrifice his life to protect others. He did fight for good, and even though he never meant to, he did cross the line on many occasions. When he was young, he looked innocent even though he had a tail; his appearance was non-threatening. Though he had no memories of his planet Vegeta or his family, he still had the Saiyan instincts. He became dangerous on a full moon night when he turned into a Great Ape and had no control of his actions. He would destroy anything in his path, in his beastly state, and even killed Gohan, his adoptive grandfather. Although he stopped once, his tail was cut off, but he had already done a lot of devastation by that time. He did not even know about his grandfather’s death until he fought Vegeta many years later. Even though he looked like a normal child, he fought King Piccolo and took-out the Red Ribbon army without any help. All of the adversaries he took out as a kid had some sort of an advantage, but he surprised them and defeated them with ease. It is mindboggling to think how powerful he was as a kid, but what surprises, even more, is his drive to fight for the greater good, which he never lost. It is true that Goku might not be intelligent, but he certainly has a pure heart, and it is because of his strength of character and the pursuit of justice that helped him fend off so many villains for such a long time. Even after he grows up, he avoids killing his enemies no matter how dangerous they might be, which shows that he is true to his principles no matter what. Although Goku is now a hero who fights for the greater good, one can’t deny that he used to be a terrifying kid who would become the Great Ape from time to time with no control on his actions. Thankfully he learned to address his childhood issues with maturity and kept the fight for the principles that he believed in. Everleig is a Blog expert and has been working in the technology industry since 2003. As a technical expert, Everleig has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as Source: Terrifying Childhood
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