Barry Swift
by on December 10, 2020

Giving to the church is one of the most popular forms of charitable giving. According to research conducted, church donations are second only to medical donations in popularity. People like to give to their church because there is a feeling of connection there with God. They also know that going to church gives them a sense of belonging and support that they might not get from other places.

It seems though that for many churches, the way of giving has changed little from the time of our ancestors. In fact, some are concerned with what others think about their practices of mobile giving. Is it still considered sacred? Does it carry the same weight with God as giving money to charity did when we first came into being?

Many faith leaders worry that giving through the doors of homes on their computers will lose their meaning. They fret that this form of giving will become just a comfortable financial status quo for people rather than a meaningful way to give to others. Some worry that the increasing trend of accepting donations through the doors of the online community makes the practice of giving meaningless as well.

However, there are good reasons why leaders of some religious institutions have not spoken out against the use of mobile phones as a means of making church donations. In fact, it is these very leaders who are encouraging their members to use online donating programs. These leaders argue that using sometimes pushy church members as collectors of tithes hurts the church. Keep in mind, however, that a donation on the internet brings along its own set of circumstances. For example, they usually come attached with a transaction fee charged to the user for using this service.

The fee charged through this service may not seem expensive. However, if one looks at it closely, it is not really inexpensive. In most cases, a church member would have to pay several transaction fees in order to receive the benefits of online giving at the same level as in-person giving without a transaction fee. This means that members would be contributing very little to the institution if they were to do their giving through the traditional process. However, the idea, still, behind online giving is to get active in the community and participate in fundraising activities.

If the members of a congregation wish to get involved with such an endeavor, they would have to learn how to itemize their deductions. This would mean that they would have to prepare a tax return that details all of their charitable contributions made during the year. For instance, they would have to itemize deductions for items that are given away. They would also have to itemize deductions for donations made to a church or to a charity through a program such as the online charity or donation system. These items would be reported on their personal tax return.

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