Think Vacuums
by on December 29, 2020

Over the years, central vacuums have become more popular, and we can see why. Unlike a traditional vacuum, you don’t need to carry them from room to room, making them more convenient and time-saving. They are also quieter than traditional vacuums and provide a better, more powerful clean.

But once you decide to purchase a central vacuum, you must make sure you keep up maintenance. Thankfully, central vacuums are quite low to maintain. Proper vacuum maintenance will ensure it keeps working effectively to keep your house clean. It will also help you avoid expensive repairs and keep your vacuum in good shape for longer.

  • Clean the Vacuum Hose

Wet and sticky substances mostly cause clogs. Central vacuums maintenance cloths can be used to remove the clogs. You can also try running a plumber’s snake through the hose. Also, make sure to store the hose and the other attachments in the best way possible.

The hose also needs proper storage to avoid wear and tear, so that it may last longer.

  • Arrange for Regular Inspection

Having a professional technician inspect your vacuum is a wise decision because any problem will be detected early and repaired.

Self Cleaning Central Vacuum Filter Maintenance

As you switch on the central vacuum, the cone-shaped filter, which is inverted, is pulled up by the vacuum pressure towards the top of the unit. The heavier items fall into the dust bag or bin while the filter catches the tiny particles.

Once the vacuum is switched off and the suction no longer pulls the filter up, it drops back into the waste canister. The weight at the bottom allows it to fall with an added pressure, which shakes off dirt and dust that is remaining on the material.

In some central vacuum models, a filter may need changing every six months to ensure that the vacuum still functions well. With a self-cleaning Beam style filter, you may never have to repair or replace. If over time the filter begins retaining excess debris on the material, you canwipe it with a wet cloth or use a stand-alone vacuum or shop-vac to deep clean it.

How to Maintain a Central Vacuum Filter

People often question whether dirt is trapped in their vacuum filters. Sometimes people confuse the weight at the bottom of the filter for the accumulated dirt. The weighted pouch is intentionally there, so there is no need to replace it because even the new one will have the same weight.

Think vacuums is a company that offers a wide range of vacuum cleaners and accessories. Visit us for all vacuum types for your home or business premises.

Posted in: Electronics
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