InterCon World
by on December 29, 2020
While Coronavirus has been tough on the personal and professional lives of individuals, the technology industry has attempted to handle the pandemic innovatively and is constantly trying to find new ways to emerge stronger than other sectors. Needless to say, technology cannot prevent the onset of the pandemic. However, tech innovations can help prevent the spread, educate, warn, and empower others to be aware of the situation, and noticeably lessen the impact.

Today, with technologies such as mobile, cloud, analytics, Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning, 4G/5G, it has become possible to test several innovative approaches in response to the pandemic.

The way the tech industry has adapted to this global ailment, businesses and tech enthusiasts need to catch up with the latest developments in the sector. International tech conferences are a great way to be a part of the transformation and another way of contributing to the imminent business strategies.

An upcoming global technology conference, InterCon, offers opportunities for learning, networking, and growth. It also employs insightful sessions and brainstorming discussions. It imparts knowledge to give new perspectives and find solutions for the issues faced by the industry.

Here, we’ve listed some areas where technology plays an important role:


The healthcare sector is one area that has undergone massive technological growth. When the pandemic struck, the first question on everybody’s mind was if there’s a cure to it or a vaccine to prevent it. With the world precariously trying to find out ways to slow the spread of the virus, several companies have developed contact tracing applications for COVID-19.

Handheld devices are used to monitor a person’s temperature, inspect their ears, listen to their lungs and heart. Artificial Intelligence helps uncover patterns among those infected with the virus and determines why some people are asymptomatic and so on.

Technology has also helped in increasing traceability and transparency. It makes identifying virus-stricken individuals easier and spreads awareness through various mediums.

Education & Business

In contrast to the healthcare sector, offices and classrooms took a halt almost overnight. Workplaces and school districts, adapting to the situation, started using collaborative platforms like Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate, or Microsoft Teams. Earlier, such tools were used occasionally. However, these have become almost essential for everyday survival and are being updated constantly.

Students have also started taking their time out for online courses, and educational institutions are exploring the new technologies to offer them digital diplomas and certificates.

Travel & Entertainment

The pandemic has already expanded contactless payments and promoted growth in applications, such as Google Wallet and Venmo. The next step is to amplify the growth of contactless deliveries. Exchanges for passports and other forms of identification can also contribute to the concept of contactless deliveries by being converted to digital formats.

Personal Lives

Before the pandemic, having a good internet connection was what most of us needed for out-of-office work. Now that we have access to high-speed internet, creating workspaces at home has become easier.

The pandemic also revealed the importance of family time and many of us know what it is like being separated from elderly relatives. It may lead to a change in how we keep tabs on their safety. Homes of the future will include more sensors, cameras, and detectors that enable us to monitor our loved ones, wherever they are.


The technology industry has contrived in a short period. It has not only brought changes in the tech sector but all the major sectors around it. Businesses are required to match the rapidly growing industry. The greatest way to be aware of all the changes happening in the industry and adapt to them is by attending the top internet conference. InterCon, a tech conference in the USA, has come your way at the right time.

Posted in: Technology
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