by on January 12, 2021


FitTrack Scale


If clocks are no longer just dedicated to telling the time, if telephones offer dozens of functionalities in addition to talking and if there are even clothes capable of offering us data on our physical activity, it is not surprising that scales are no longer limited to giving the weight.

And it is that smart scales also offer information such as body mass index (BMI), fat percentage, muscle mass and even bone mass, while connecting with mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets through Bluetooth connectivity o Wifi so that the user has all the data where and when he wants.

How to choose a smart scale

If you decide to have a scale that offers you all these measurements, there are a series of functions that you cannot miss. The main one is that it calculates the weight and the BMI and that it be able to connect with an application installed on one of the mobile devices mentioned above. In addition, it will have to be able to offer parameters adjusted to our physical conditions, age and activity. Otherwise, it will be of little use to offer numerous data, since these must be perfectly related to the characteristics of the user.

However, when buying a model, it is best to look at the following aspects:

What is it capable of measuring? As we have pointed out, this type of scale is characterized by providing multiple measurements, so that the one you choose will have to adapt to what you want to know. You may not care how much water you have, but you do care about the calories you have burned in a day.

What mode of feeding do they have? The most basic models tend to run on batteries, while the more advanced ones have rechargeable batteries. Obviously, this possibility is cheaper in the long term and much more practical.

How do they connect? They generally use Bluetooth or Wi-Fi (or both), so make sure you choose the one that best suits your home and your mobile devices.

How is the screen? The size of the numbers and the simplicity with which they are displayed are other factors that you should take into account. The older they are, the less difficulty you will have when reading them and you will avoid having to bend over.

A smart body scale is a digital restroom scale that measures weight and also other body composition metrics, and then sends all of them wirelessly to an application or even internet company that instantly captures the data. Just before purchasing FitTrack Scale, you may have a look at FitTrack Scale Reviews, that offer you assurance concerning the quality of the product.

How is your design? As you well know, a scale does not occupy only a few centimeters, so you should also weigh very well if the aesthetics fits with that of the room in which it will be.


What other options does it include? It is very likely that when you go to choose a model you will find that some have other functionalities such as those related to meteorology or even air quality.

Most common metrics

If we stop at the benefits of smart scales, we have to do it in what they are capable of measuring, since that information will help you as a user to have a better control of your body and your health.

Body Mass Index. As you well know, this value indicates whether what you weigh corresponds to your height. Knowing it will help you know if you are above or below your ideal weight.

Visceral fat. These scales also manage to count the fat that exists around the most important organs of our body, since an excess could lead to problems in the short, medium and long term.

Body fat percentage. In addition to BMI, it is interesting to know how much fat you have, since sometimes you are not overweight but a body accumulates too much fat.

Bone mass. As the years go by, bone mass decreases, so having it under control can serve as an incentive to follow eating habits that help strengthen bones.

Water percentage. It is another key parameter to determine our state of health, so it is interesting that the chosen scale includes it.

Metabolic rate. Finally, advanced models also incorporate this measurement that roughly estimates the calories burned when at rest.

Creating a profile

When you buy your smart scale, keep in mind that each person who lives at home must have their own user profile, as their morphological characteristics will be different. Therefore, when you have it in your possession, it is convenient to invest the time necessary to configure each one of them, since otherwise it will not do any good to have such a number of functionalities and measurements, even offering erroneous results.


FitTrack Scale


On the other hand, you should also take into account where you place the scale - this not only has to be taken care of with smart ones, but with any type. Make sure it is always on a completely flat and hard surface. Do not think about placing it on a carpet (whatever the thickness) since the results it gives may be distorted.

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