Premier Pups
by on January 26, 2021
This story originally appeared in my book club. Since I recently sold the company I launched at 19 years old — we did $5m in sales and raised $2.5m in VC- I’ve shifted my focus to reading a book a day. Join my book club now to see what a 26 year old with one exit under his belt is reading I just finished reading “advertising headlines That Make you Rich” by David Garfinkel where provides very tactical examples of killer headlines that get your community to do what you want them to do. The book was recommended to me by very few, but very intelligent, friends so I grabbed it immediately and jumped in. David didn’t disappoint. Here are my 3 favorite headlines David teaches in the book (over 50 headlines in the print version of the book!) Proven headline 1: Thousands now play who never thought the could People read this headline and think “hey, if others can do it, so can I”. Use this headline in situations where you’re teaching or selling something that most people think they don’t have the ability to do. This headline is an easy way to subconsciously tap social proof. Variation to sell fitness products: Thousands now take pride in their bodies who never thought they could Variation to sell online courses: Thousands now launch money-making products who never thought they could Proven headline 2: Who else wants to look like a movie star? The key to making this headline work for you is to avoid describing components and process. Only describe the end results you provide your customers. Variation if selling lawn care services: Who else wants a more beautiful lawn? Variation if wedding planner: Who else wants more fun and less stress at their wedding? Proven headline 3: Get rid of (Problem) once and for all. Key to make this headline work is to make sure you describe your problem using the same words your reader already uses. Survey your audience and ask them “What is your #1 marketing challenge”. Use their verbiage in headlines on landing pages, webinars, and sales pages. Variation if trying to sell your company to job candidate: Get rid of that boring job once and for all Variation if selling mouthpiece to stop teeth from grinding: Get rid of that disgusting habit once and for all Remember, for a headline to work it must either draw your readers attention to a pain they have or are likely to face, or a desire they have that is not fulfilled.
Posted in: Ads, Advertising
Topics: advertising
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