by on January 27, 2021


website design


You encounter gradients more and more often on the Internet. Where did this fashion come from? And how does it help to create a website?

Gradients are one of the most inflected trends in UX design in 2018. Although their use was a few years back, it was more a memory of the nineties of web design Preston amateur, today even the biggest of the biggest do not spare them in their visual style. Since the rebranding in 2016, they have been involved with Instagram, for example, but they are even more often talked about in connection with the visual of the Spotify music application. Why such a change? And what does this trendy style actually mean?

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What are gradients in web design Preston?

Gradients in graphic design express a gradual transition from one color to another. In fact, the designer can create new shades and come up with new designs that he would not be able to do with the help of basic colors. Using gradients more closely mimics the real world, in which you will also not encounter a uniform color. Each object is affected by the play of lights and shadows. And just such a perception of colors is natural for the human eye, which today the online environment is often reflected in the buttons, the background or even the design of the logo. You can find them in some title pictures on our blog and in the overall visual concept of the Blue Spirit website

The end of flat design?

It was already known in the 1990s that gradients can capture the attention of people surfing the Internet quite inconspicuously. But in 2014, Google introduced its Material design - a visual style that you can still see on Gmail, Google Maps and YouTube today. In the same year, developers from Windows came up with their Metro design language. Suddenly, something new and fresh, easy to understand, appeared on the network, and the graphics looked good on low-resolution mobile devices. Four years ago, graphic designers began to use almost exclusively flat design when creating websites - clear, monochrome surfaces were considered universal quality.

When and why gradients work best

Gradients appropriately used in the background of an image or text are of interest and support the goals of the page. With the help of color transitions, they can intuitively guide the visitor's eye from lighter to darker shades, to a button with a call to action or to make them scroll further. This is also why many sites darken the background downwards. Gradients will also highlight lettering to help emphasize an important message. For written texts, however, it is always necessary to monitor the contrast with the background. Different shades are popular when overlapping faint images. Especially fresh color combinations are immediately etched in the visitor's site.

Using color gradients also brings with it technical problems. The problem arises, for example, when displaying on some monitors with higher contrast. In this case, the gradients do not appear smoothly, but in stripes. The same problem arises with printing - in which case it is possible to solve it, for example, by adding "noise".

web design


Other examples and demonstrations of use

For more tips on using gradients, see the WebdesignDepot 10 Reasons to Love and Use Gradients article. See examples of gradients on the WebGradients page, and experience a little more fun with color transitions on the uiGradients server.

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Topics: web design
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