Dr Carl Stephens
by on February 15, 2021

The USMLE Step 1 examination is an approximately Eight-hour long computer Based Question and Answer type examination which is taken across many Prometric Testing Centers around the globe. As can be easily understood by the jargon, it is the first step towards the three-step USMLE examination, which is to be taken for obtaining a license to practice medicine in the US under the current regulation. In this examination, one has to apply for enrollment by attending an approved medical college in the United States. After being accepted into a medical college as per the admission requirement, one has to register for the entrance examination, which is a two-hour examination, and if the score is high enough, one is given the okay to take the actual USMLE Step 1 examination.

During the enrollment process, various components are presented to the students. For students who are taking up the examination for the first time, they will have to go through two different types of questions in this regard. One of these components is known as the multiple-choice portion, while the other portion is known as the essay question. For students who have not undertaken any USMLE course earlier, this can be a tough test as they do not have any clue about what to write in their answer. However, having said that, there are some easy steps that can be taken by the student to help them with this task.

How to prepare for USMLE Step 1:

For students who want to tackle the test with ease, the first step is to get ready for the test. One should first prepare well in terms of studying all the necessary materials which are required for this examination. These include the study material which has been prepared by renowned authors and professionals in the medical field, including doctors, nurses, and another medical professional from various medical school around the country. The contents of the study materials that you will need for the USMLE Step 1 include the prior study materials and reviews, sample exams, and question papers, plus the exam practice papers and the response sheet plus the official study guide.

Once you have all this material, you can proceed step by step towards preparing for the exam. In addition to this, you also need to know when is the right time to take the final exam for the USMLE Step 1. To know this information, you need to check the dates of the tests that are scheduled for the next two years. For students, who have not yet taken up any USMLE course, the easiest way to know this information is to refer to their guidance counsellor.

It is essential to keep your motivation up when you want to study for the USMLE Step 1 or the computer-based test. You can do this by working towards answering one question at a time and try to get as many questions answered within the shortest period of time. This can be done by making use of practice tests and taking up the test once you feel that you have the answers. After this, it is easy to go and work towards getting the result.

USMLE Step 2 eligibility:

There is no hard and fast rule about the USMLE Step 1 eligibility period. Each school has its own rules as well as its own timetable, so the best thing to do is refer to the requirements of the school for the USMLE Step 1 eligibility period. Some schools might also provide assistance to students who have not started studying for the test yet.

It is essential to maintain your motivation levels even when you are not studying for the test. Keep in mind that there might be times when the going gets tough, and you will need all the help that you can get. Keep your spirits high, and remember that you can always study more if you are relaxed and confident about your scores. If you have already started studying for the exam, then there are some tips that you should follow to improve your scores.

There are four main sections of the USMLE Step 1 syllabus. You have to pass through all of them in order to pass the exam. The first two sections are quite straightforward, and you should easily breeze through them. The clinical skills section is where your real score will be decided upon, and you will need to demonstrate your competence in this area. Remember that the clinical part of the exam is where multiple-choice questions may come into play, and only experts know this properly.

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Posted in: Education, Medical
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