Barry Swift
by on February 22, 2021

One of the biggest questions that a new politician needs to ask is if they should do some type of free campaign in the form of supporting a specific charity or cause. The answer to the question depends on the person but in most cases, the answer is yes. The problem that most politicians find when they first start out is that they have no name. The fact that they have no name means that they do not get news coverage which means that their message does not reach very many people.

A lot of these people could do with a little bit of PR. One of the best ways to get PR is to support a charity that you believe in and want to support. Supporting a charity or something you believe in will give you a platform in which you can use to leverage to get some news coverage. However, you should not always count on getting news coverage because there could be a lot of things going on in the world that may take precedence.

If anything, your event or fundraiser for that certain charity will help people to get to know you. The one thing that politicians, the ones in power and in office, don't usually do a lot of is meet and help their communities in person. There are a lot of reasons for this including being very busy with laws and so forth. However, it doesn't mean that this isn't a good use of time. If you are a beginner politician then what you probably have more of than established politicians is the ability to use your time wisely. You need to be doing things that pull in votes and donations.

The more of that people see you as a civic part of your community the better off you are going to be in the long run. Most communities like to see that their civic leaders are doing their own duty in order to push the community forward. They like to see that from a politician whether or not they have an office. Of course, this isn't always going to change their opinion of a person because your specific political platform may not be conducive to them voting for you or donating money to your campaign. However, we do know that voters are watching and are listening.

They are also impressed if you are there in person and you can convert those people who can be converted in some cases. They just want to know that you were there and that you actually care. If you can continue this during your term in office then that is even better. However, a lot of well-meaning officers of local and national governments find it very hard to keep it up. Yet, if you can, then the community may just see you a little differently. Those people will be a lot more likely to vote for you again or for the first time. Finally, you may be able to get that news coverage that you actually want. If you can tie it into an issue that they are trying to report on then you are more likely to get reporters putting their eyes on your event or charity. You, as a consequence, will likely get good PR in and upon the news if you can tie it into something they already want to do.

You are helping the newspeople write their stories. A fact which they will appreciate. Just remember that you cannot give them anything because that is not something they can accept. The press, generally, do not accept gifts because that could skew their story. Therefore, focus on helping them create and craft their story through what you are doing and you will find that you will get good PR eventually. That PR will transfer into votes when it comes time for your constituents to vote for or against you.

Posted in: Lifestyle
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