Jemima Kirke
by on March 2, 2021
The recently discovered coronavirus cases have caused chaos in the whole widen world. Within a few months of its origination, it has stretched almost every corner of the globe. Thousands of people are passing away each day while hundreds of thousands are getting infected by it. To this day, no cure has been made for this virus. So the only prevention is the cure itself. When it comes to preventions, people are taking a number of precautionary measures in order to keep themselves at an arm’s length from the virus. Practicing masks, hand sanitizers, hand gloves, and avoiding handshake are some precautionary measures people are taking.

Being a Muslim, we are lucky as we have been told to do Wudu (Ablution) many times per day. It is the ultimate defender from coronavirus that can save us from getting infected from this deadly disease. But when it comes to the debate of Wudu (Ablution) and its benefits related to coronavirus, some people have a lot of delusions. You will be determined about coronavirus, where it originated, and how many people have been affected by it until now. Furthermore, you will also be revealed how ablution plays its role in saving you from the coronavirus, and the delusions people have about it. Besides that, you will also be advised on how you can reduce your chances of getting coronavirus when you learn Quran online. Hence let us start our guide from step by step.

What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a deadly virus that began at the end of 2019. Within a few months, it has caused global desolation which has affected almost every country in the world. According to WHO experts, Coronavirus is a family of viruses that produces a range of diseases. The most common among these diseases differ from cold, flu, and fever to critical respiratory difficulties which lead to death in various cases.

The official name of the disease has been selected as COVID-19. It stands for Corona Virus Disease-2019. Some of the general symptoms of this virus include fever, cough, respiratory problems, difficulty in and breath shortness, and etc.

How Dangerous Can Coronavirus Get?

Coronavirus should never be taken gently. It is a very deadly virus that has prompted hundreds of thousands of deaths. However millions of people are aching from this virus. There were more than 3 million coronavirus cases in the entire world as of 28/04/2020. In totaling to this, more than two hundred thousand people have died due to coronavirus.

How Does It Grow?

Coronavirus is not a type of virus that spreads via air. It spreads from person to person. It means that you have to be in contact with the person who is infected with the virus to get infected with it. Not only by encountering the infected person can give you coronavirus but there are also some other ways that spread it. If you have touched a person where the infected person has touched recently, you will get the virus on your hand. When you touch the hand to your mouth, you can also catch the virus. So, you should avoid doing such things which result in the growth of coronavirus.

How To Prevent Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a global pandemic and the whole world is trying to figure out a plan to cure coronavirus. Nearly every country is trying to make a vaccine for the virus but no one has succeeded still. All you can do to prevent coronavirus is by following the guidelines of the medical experts. Here are a few steps that can keep you away from coronavirus if you are willing to follow them.

Wash your hands routinely

Avoid going out of your home without any important work
Use hand-sanitizer
Do not shake hands with people
Avoid places where too many people are around you
Do not touch any surface when out of home
Always use gloves when going out
Use a face mask to reduce the chances of getting infected
Cover your sneeze and cough
By following the above-mentioned precautionary measures, you will be able to significantly reduce the risk of getting infected by the coronavirus.

Can Wudu Save You From CoronaVirus?

Wudu is an exceptional way to keep yourself fresh. While performing ablution, you clean yourself from head to foot. It discourages you from many types of germs. While practicing Wudu, you eliminate bacteria and other germs from your mouth and other body parts. Thus it defends you from many diseases. The same is the plight of coronavirus. Today, scientists are warning people to maintain their hygiene to keep themselves safe. As you keep your hygiene with ablution, you reduce the likelihood of getting coronavirus.

Misconception About Coronavirus And Wudu

Every day, the number of fake news surrounding coronavirus twirls on the internet. People using social media and WhatsApp share such news without even acknowledging their reality. This can result in an enormous problem. Whether they are about someone’s personal life or related to the pandemic, people share the news without even fretting to confirm the news. Today, thousands of fabricated news stories about coronavirus are surfacing the web, and people are being misguided via such news. The most advanced news about coronavirus is that doing wudu annihilates coronavirus. The Muslims are partaking this news without even thinking whether it is true or not. This news actually started in Indonesia after a report through In this article, Dr. Lutfi Parewangi was quoted as saying that performing wudu can destroy coronavirus. After that, it became the essence of the attention of all the Muslims adopting social media.

Is It True That Wudu Really Kill Coronavirus?

The news that doing wudu can kill coronavirus is completely fake. There is none truth in it and it is a part of misleading knowledge. Just like the other myths like drinking garlic, hot water, and cow urine, it is also a myth. Although doing wudu has a lot of health-related benefits but it does not counteract coronavirus. So before believing and sharing anything shared on social media, you must first confirm whether it is authentic or not.

Can Online Quran Learning Save You From Coronavirus?

In this age of quarantine, no one is allowed to go out of their houses. If you go out of your home, you might become a victim of coronavirus. So you cannot go to a madrasa as well. Yet there is another way to learn the Holy Quran. That is to benefits of Quran. All you need to do is select an expert online Quran tutor and choose a type, of course, you want to practice. This way, you can learn the Holy Quran online without having to go out of your residence.
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