Karry Castenallos
by on March 10, 2021

Having Bible verses about faith can be very comforting to a believer. For some reason, some people just need a sense of security and assurance that they will not be judged for their beliefs. There are some very basic principles found in the scriptures that can give someone encouragement. Being spiritual does not mean you do not have to be careful or do not think things are going to happen. There is always a chance that something bad will happen but if we stay strong and trust God, He will use His time and resources to help us through those times.

Many of the Bible stories can make us stop and think. Many of them deal with some very deep emotions such as fear, anxiety, and worry. We are so afraid of what we may lose if we do not continue to believe. Some of the Bible verses about faith can make us stronger by reminding us how wonderful life is to live each day free from fear and doubt. If you have had similar experiences, you might want to read through a few of them to gain additional comfort.

Have you ever noticed that there are far more bible verses about faith than there are about any other subject? That is because, as a rule, people who are religious and also believers hold up those particular scriptures to edify and support their beliefs and faith. They read these scriptures out of the tradition that was put into place by those religious figures and men.

As I mentioned above, you will see that there are many bible verse facts that agree with some scientific facts. For example, there are Bible facts about the universe and the human mind and how our beliefs about things like faith and chance factor into how we view those things. Science has proven that those things which are believed to be random and chance are actually not. Rather, they are governed by laws of nature and how those laws affect the entire universe. Therefore, evidence of intelligent design.

One of the Bible verses about faith that is quite enlightening is one that talks about how we should be careful not to confuse faith with logic. This is because while we may use logic to support all of our beliefs and faith, that logic itself is not faith. When we start to rely on logic, we generally become logical and apply that thinking to all situations under the belief that it is actually serving us well.

It is this separation that makes it much more difficult for scientists to study faith and religion. The Bible does a great job of showing us how religion is be based on the reality that God is King. In fact, many of the Bible verses about faith actually point to science as a means of understanding faith. For example, the book of Job points to the miracle of the sun at night as an example of how science can help us understand faith. Job shows us that when the sun shines, everything is bright, and when it is not, everything is dark.

The same can be said for science. Science works with facts. When the facts are disputable, that does not mean that the facts are wrong. Rather, it means that the facts are up for discussion and can be examined to see if they support a particular belief or not. This is how religion and science are related, and the way in which we can look to both of them to find the truth.

Posted in: Lifestyle
Topics: bible, faith, science
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