Andrew Henderson
by on March 16, 2021

That women are excellent drivers, we already know. But many of them still seek the help of their husbands, boyfriends and friends when thinking about the car, or worse, they do not know what to do in case of problems with the vehicle. With that in mind, we have listed the fundamental points for the proper functioning of any car, which, in order of importance, would be: engine oil, radiator water, brake system, battery and tires (conditions and calibration). This is the top 5 for your vehicle not to let you down.

Engine oil

Car Maintenance

Not too much, not too little. The ideal is to have the oil level between the collector's minimum and maximum markers. Do you know the expression “give PT on the engine”? Total loss of function is what happens when you have no oil. This element is essential for the car, as it is the oil that lubricates the system internally and reduces the friction of the parts. Expired oil is also bad, so change it according to the automaker's specification, or every 5,000 km traveled. You will get additional information about auto by visiting Micro Green Filter website.

Radiator water

Now let's talk about the cooling system, or cooling the engine. First tip: never use tap water, but demineralized water (or deionized water). The ideal additive is in the car manufacturer's manual, as is the mixing ratio. You can also use 2 in 1 products, where the mixture of the additive with the water is ready. About the exchange, manufacturers indicate to make the first exchange around 30 thousand km or 1 year of use, reaching up to 120 thousand km or 5 years, according to the type of additive.

Braking system

In this case the focus is on the pads, which make the car stop when they come into contact with the brake discs. Depending on the car model, they can be on two or all four wheels on the vehicle. There is no right period or adequate mileage to change, as the durability is directly proportional to the time and the way they are used. But they need special attention and immediate replacement when worn.


It is she who gives energy to your car engine to run, and it depends on the entire electrical system of your car, including the internal light. Taking good care, a battery can last up to two years. If you don't use the vehicle a lot, try turning it on once a week, for at least 20 minutes.


Car Maintenance

Keeping your tires up to date is synonymous with safety. Just by looking it is possible to see when a tire has already rendered its services. A regular practice is to rotate tires from the rear to the front (usually less worn). Day-to-day alignment and balancing make your tire pay off and not wear out the wrong way. Calibration in the correct measure is essential: empty tires bring a series of problems, such as increased consumption and loss of stability of the vehicle.

Many other elements are important for the smooth running of your car, but this top 5 is essential. Don't be fooled by gas station attendants who want to push you with products or services that you know you don't need. MicroGreenFilter offers a series of services such as overhaul and check-ups, changing tires, batteries, brake pads and much more. Our stores are suitable to receive the female audience. Come meet!

Topics: car
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