Pranab Bhandari
by on March 17, 2021

Businesses in the digital age rely heavily on data. It's how they use this data that sets them apart from the competition, creating a brand identity. Software plays a major role in how businesses manage, interpret and utilise data. Bespoke or custom software can include all the tools your business needs and can adapt to your ways of working. Moreover, it gives you a competitive edge over similar businesses that use off-the-shelf software. While the initial costs of custom software development are high, it is cost-effective in the long run. You pay only for the features you need, save time on training and learning the software and control what features are added over time. Off-the-shelf software offers a whole bunch of features in a one size fits all form. Those features may be surplus to requirements or may not include specific ones that you need. You may have to invest in more than one software to get all the features you need, snowballing your expenditure in the long run. 

Today, a number of software development companies specialise in creating custom software solutions. Here are a few tips that you should keep in mind before approaching one for your business. 

  • Understand Your Requirements

Custom software development can be expensive. Chart out the current and future business objectives that your software needs to tackle. Having a clear understanding of your goals can give you an edge over competing businesses. Look into off-the-shelf software first; they could have everything that your business requires. 

  • Ask Around

Get referrals from your associates in the field to know about their experience with a certain software development company in UK. 

  • Check out their portfolio

Their portfolio should give you a clear understanding of their clientele, their quality of work, development timeframe, post-development services and customer satisfaction. 

  • Understand the technology that they use

Doing so will allow you to assess whether you want your software built on a certain technology. Also ask about testing. It lets developers catch and fix errors fast, keeping the risk of bugs to a minimum. 

  • Communicate with the team

Remember that your software needs to be a digital reflection of your business. Communicating with the development team ensures that they understand what your business stands for and how it operates. 

  • Ask for a detailed timeline

Bespoke software can take time to develop. Fixing a timeline allows you to track the development so that your software is up and running for when you plan to use it. 

  • Discuss security and support

Your software needs to grow with your business. Clarify all the terms and conditions associated with security and support after the software development phase is complete. 

These tips can ensure that you get a software that fits your business like a glove. The greatest advantage of custom software is that it grows with time, is exclusively yours and is a complete solution to your business needs. 

Posted in: Technology
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