The NineHertz
by on March 18, 2021
The technology stack for your music app depends on the development framework you choose. A cross-platform development framework will allow you to release your app simultaneously across Android and iOS devices. The SDK and technology stack required to build the app will also be the same across all platforms.

However, this is not the case for native application development where you will have to build your app exclusively for a specific mobile OS. This would mean that the SDK and technology stack will also vary from one operating system to another.

In addition to choosing the development framework, there are other factors too that need your equal attention if not more. These include factors such as Database Storage, Releasing Prototype, UI/UX Design and Development, Model Testing, Servers etc. Let us discuss each and every one of them in detail.

Database Storage for A Music Streaming App

A music streaming app will have to handle large volumes of data in real-time. Further, you must account for traffic surge during peak hours and peak days when your app will handle the humongous volume of user requests. To do so in a seamless and frictionless manner, you will have to create a database that is not just huge but also scalable on demand.

Some popular cloud-based hosting platform for apps include.

GCP (Google Cloud Platform)

AWS (Amazon Web Services)

Microsoft Azure

UI/UX Design and Development of Music App Clone

Model Testing

Proxy Servers

Click here to read complete blog post: How to develop app like Gaana

Posted in: Technology
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