Karry Castenallos
by on March 25, 2021

Preparing people for sermons is a wise practice for just about any kind of ministry. Sermons are not easy, in fact, they are quite hard to write. In order to prepare people for their sermons, the writer must be able to see and know what needs to be said. Many times I think that writers are too focused on what they should say and not what the person receiving their sermon ought to hear. I think that if a minister had a clear vision of the end result of every sermon he preached, he would go out of his way to prepare people for the sermon. Here is what I mean.

The reason I say this is because many sermons are not as successful as they could or should be. This is because the people in the church were not prepared to receive the message at hand. For example, if a pastor spoke about the rising of a stranger in the church, the first reaction of most people would be to be concerned. They might call the police to have the stranger removed. This is not the way to set the stage for effective sermons. The preachers need to let the people know that there is a problem, and then explain that there will be help for that person who has stumbled upon this unfortunate situation.

If a pastor were to use statistics during his sermon, it might encourage more people to attend the church. However, using something like percentages without explaining why these percentages are so important is foolish. To the person listening to the sermon, you need to give them a reason as to why they should go to church and why they need to be optimistic about the future of the church. You need to provide evidence that the church is growing in size and influence.

This can be accomplished through the way people are getting to the church. There are many different ways that people can get to your church. However, the average person on the street is more likely to use their cars to get to your church than walk. If you want to get the most attendance out of your congregation, consider putting some buses around your church for transportation.

Another thing that you can do to get the most attention from your congregation is to have volunteers at the church ready to go up and speak to those who may have no desire to come. There may be young children in your church who don't even want to come to Sunday school or church functions. You need to get these people involved in your teaching about the Word of God and the life of Jesus.

Lastly, you should prepare your people to be ready for any question that may be asked of you. You cannot be intimidated by the questions that you might get. If you are unprepared, you will find yourself wondering how you will answer those questions. This will leave people with doubts and they will wonder if you are not truly established in your calling.

Posted in: Lifestyle
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