Karry Castenallos
by on March 30, 2021

What is a tithe? Is it just another word for donation? Is it some new form of income for the church? The first two questions are valid. But what is the true meaning of tithe and what does it have to do with your tithe requirements for church business activities?

A tithe is basically a one-thousandths part of something, usually paid as an obligation to the government or charity, to be used for religious purposes. In the past, tithes were usually required and administered in kind, like charitable donations, and were usually required at the time of marriage. It is not clear how much something has to be donated to make it a tithe. However, the definition seems to change with the passage of time.

Today, tithe definition has been stretched to include a much wider range of activities, not only charitable contributions. Tithing can mean anything from money to time to your talents to your labor. For some, the obligation to tithe seems to be an act of faith, since money is not essential. Others feel that tithe support for their church goes toward building bigger and stronger bodies of Christ, while others feel that tithe helps build outreach to other communities.

The actual meaning of tithe in today's church cannot be condensed into a simple statement. The word "tithe" literally means "with difficulty" or "little." Because the amount required varies from person to person, tithe definition varies as well. For some people, giving ten percent of their income to the church is really giving what they earn, while for others it's about being completely honest about how much they spend or don't spend.

Most people would agree that the purpose of giving a tithe to the church is to offer financial support for its functioning. However, that's not the only way that the tithe is used. Many people also give tithes for the purpose of offering spiritual guidance to those who are less fortunate than themselves. In addition, the tithe can even help build a church from the ground up, as people are brought together by the issues of their tithe.

If you're looking for a way to start contributing to your local church, you may want to start by looking at your own tithe definition. What do you consider to be a tithe? Perhaps you just think of a couple of dollars spent at a local food pantry. It may be that you're looking for a more extensive definition of tithe so that you can better understand how your money is being used. Finding the right church to join may take some research on your part, but once you find it, your contribution will be well worth the work.

Posted in: Lifestyle
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