Stephanie Caroline Snyder
by on April 6, 2021

It is devastating when your child is ill. Especially if they are feeling unwell, you may want to make them feel better immediately. Unfortunately, it's not possible. You can, however, try your best to ensure they are as comfortable as possible. Here are a few steps you can take to help your sick child feel better fast.

Ease The Pain

As you watch over your child, you may want to ease their pain and discomfort as they recover. One way to do this is to give recommended pain medication for fever and body aches to old enough to take it. If your little one has a cold or sore throat, you can soothe them with cinnamon and honey. To ease nasal congestion, you can try some essential oils like eucalyptus, antihistamines for older kids, and nasal saline drops for those under four. Another easy way to manage nasal congestion is to keep the elevated using a pillow.


No matter what has your child down, it would help if you kept them hydrated. Unlike grownups, sick children tend to get dehydrated fast, and things can spiral downwards from there. The easiest way to help them hydrate is to give them water, but the chances are that they won't be very thrilled to take it all the time. You can try electrolyte solutions or make things exciting by incorporating healthy juices, soups, broths, and popsicles. While you’re at it, remember to keep them well-nourished to ensure they have all the nutrients they need for recovery.


Usually, children need at least ten hours of sleep. When they are unwell, they need even more rest. You should ensure that your child gets as much rest as possible to allow their body to heal. Consider having them stay home from school or daycare. Although some may not want to, explain to them why it is essential to rest. If they are having trouble sleeping, you can play some soothing music or read their favorite bedtime stories to help them doze off.


Another exciting way to help your child feel better fast is to provide a distraction from their symptoms and discomfort. This is a good time for you to allow them to have as much screen time as possible. You can also play simple games, do crafts with them, or introduce them to exciting storybooks. However, it is noteworthy that you should not ignore your child's feelings through this process. If you cannot connect with them, you can engage pediatric therapists like in home pediatric therapy Florida. Because of the availability of a telehealth option, your child will not even need to leave home.


It may sound so simple, but cuddling your child is a big deal. You will give them comfort in knowing that you are there for them. Additionally, cuddling will reassure them that they will get better and resume their regular activity as soon as possible. This is very helpful, especially if your child is experiencing scary symptoms like diarrhea or vomiting.

Additional Tips

As you take care of your child, it is also necessary to pay attention to their symptoms. You will be able to tell when they need more than home care. For instance, if you notice abnormal or difficult breathing, decreasing alertness, skin or lips that look blue or purple, unconsciousness, uncontrollable bleeding, or a seizure, you need to get professional medical help.

Tending to a sick child can be traumatic, so try and take care of yourself as well. Ask your friends and family for assistance if you start to feel overwhelmed.

Some other tips that can help are rest when your little one goes to sleep so you can recharge as well, exercise or get some fresh air when you can, drink and eat well, and try taking some deep breaths to calm yourself. If you need to leave the house but can’t, take advantage of the available online delivery services.

You can do many other things to help your child feel better, depending on their condition. What is most important is to listen to their needs and do the best you can to meet those.

Posted in: Health, Medical, Childcare
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