by on April 13, 2021



Earthworms are among the best baits for fish ever. And it makes sense! With the earthworm, you can create a wonderfully fleshy bite on the hook, which gives off an animal odor, and at the same time it twists seductively. No fish can resist this! The earthworm is absolutely perfect even from the point of view that it tastes the vast majority of fish. You can catch eels or catfish, as well as carp and other fish species. In today's article, we will talk mainly about earthworms, which are called rousnice. These are fleshy earthworms that taste just larger fish, click to read more.

If you do not have our memory at all, a box with 10 rousses nowadays costs from 50 to 70 crowns. At the same time, it is necessary to realize that if the fish hit the place, then such a box will not last you even 30 minutes. And then you really bend! Therefore, it is best to collect crumbs. No, it's not complicated! It just takes a little practice and experience. But really everyone can do it. The result is that you can collect fresh legumes for which you do not pay a penny.

Why are carob bites TOP bait for fish?


We have already bitten it above, but rousnice is one of the best baits for catching various species of fish. The point is that legumes are simply "natural meat" to which fish respond very well. Rousnice is beautifully fleshy, so you can make a beautiful "fat bite" on it on a hook, which will attract both carp and large perch, fat, eel, catfish, and other species of fish. In addition, the crumb has what many pitfalls cannot offer - movement. If you skill the carob skillfully, then you can create an interesting "octopus" on the hook, which will lure the fish to catch at its ends.

Of course, the animal smell of legumes is also a great advantage. For many times it may not be a strong odor for humans, but for fish, this smell is very intoxicating. The point is that fish have a code in them that it is this animal food that provides them with much-needed energy and nutrients. Yet! This food signal of legumes can be strengthened. And very simply! How?

It is good if the trapped earthworms fisherman attractive in a dip on the carcass. It is a product that significantly enhances the odor trace of legumes. What will happen? The moment the fisherman soaks the roots in this dip, they start to emit a much stronger odor. What is it good for? This trick is absolutely perfect when hunting eels or catfish, which also follow the smell when hunting. The result can then be recognized by the larger number of shots. It really works!

It should be noted that eels, for example, have a perfect sense of smell, which is said to recognize a drop of the essence in a huge amount of water. Remember this! Another fish that makes significant use of smell in search of food is, for example, sturgeon. So before the hunt itself, it is necessary to realize what fish species we have fallen on.

How to easily collect fish crumbs?


You can collect fish grits in the comfort of your home without spending a penny on them. How to do it? First, it is necessary to find some grassy area. No, it is not necessary to have your own garden. You can also collect Rousnice on lawns in housing estates, in parks, or on lawns near supermarkets. So no excuses! It is good to collect Rousnice at night when dew falls on the mentioned grassy areas. And just around 11 pm to midnight, carousels often begin to climb out of the ground and just lie on damp ground. And at this very moment, it is necessary to take a headlamp and go collect.

Yes! The beginnings of collecting carrots are really hard! That's what we call straight! Rousnice is incredibly agile and fast. So if you scare them with loud steps or light, then they disappear underground in an instant. Therefore, it is necessary to move quietly during the collection, and it is also good to use a red light, which does not scare the carcass so much. These are important things to keep in mind. So how do you collect carrion?

It is good to master one griffin, thanks to which you will collect a large number of carcasses in a short time. What's going on? It takes a bit of practice, but over time you will know very quickly which end of the lying crumb is "free" and which ends at the hole in the ground. Why is this important? Because the moment you come across the crumbs, it is good to plug the hole with one finger, and the crumb suddenly has no way to hide underground. This grip guarantees that you will catch the crumbs reliably.

Watch out for ruptured earthworms!


And now imagine you're holding a rag in your hand, and she's trying to get back underground. What now? The best practice is to start circling the earthworm in the ground. This movement is best for pulling her out of the ground. If the handkerchief still doesn't want to let go, then do it by letting go. This trick will often help you pull out the scum that wants to hide underground.

Topics: fishing
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