Sahin Mansuri
by on May 19, 2021
Covid-19 has pushed enterprise business online. which is a successful move as sales jumped to 45% year over the year 2020 financial year.
According to Statista, the IT industry has spent $426 billion on enterprise software in the year 2020, and it is expected to reach $517 billion in 2021.
That said, it’s important to understand how the EAS sector is growing to help you stay ahead of the curve.
Let's explore eight enterprise software development trends to stay ahead of the curve.
Rise of Intelligence of the thing
IoT was first invented in the world in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, it has kept on evolving. Its existence dates back to the 70s.
People are also being smart as they are more reliable on Automation.
Here are just a few examples of IoT’s many use cases:
IoT-connected vehicle, you can make in-car payments, autonomous driving, enabling remote software updation, and dinner table booking on the way.
A safe education process with social distancing is possible with the help of laptops, smartphones, and tablets.
handling the assets and equipment in real-time, which ultimately improves the efficiency and transparency of the management process.
Involvement of Artificial Intelligence
We predict high investment returns from AI, as revenue from it is $156.5 billion in 2020, a 12% increase from the previous year.
Artificial Intelligence takes a decision as a human being
Ai dealing with computer algorithm which improves automatically.
Most of the business industry opt for AI. What’s the reason? It’s the deployment of advanced and highly tailored solutions across different industries.
Progressive web applications (PWAs) and Hybrid applications
Till now, you might have either opted for a web app or a mobile app. But what if we say you can have both with added benefits. Seems like a dream, right? That’s what Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are!
PWAs are similar to native apps that can send push notifications even when offline, but it is also linkable (unlike the native apps). It can be used across platforms without the involvement of any app store.
Critical Cyber Security over Data Breach
With the increase in the number of cyber-attacks and losses that businesses suffered, cybersecurity is something that is in most demand. Robust security measures in your software development will protect you from information leaks, fraud, malware, phishing, ransomware, and other cyber-attacks. Cybersecurity acts as armor for online business.
According to Puppet’s State of DevOps Report, 45% of the organization with full integration of cybersecurity can fix the critical vulnerabilities.
Immersive experiences gain popularity
Digital reality is something that we are already aware of and isn’t a brand new concept. However, with the lockdown and infrequent of real-world experiences, digital reality gained popularity with the help of AR and VR.
MR – the combination of both AR and VR has made it possible to travel across the world while staying at home. It has also stimulated the training and skill learning via digital platforms, and last but not least is the shopping experience. The immersive experiences have made online shopping easier.
low code platforms – an emerging trend
low-code programs implement drag-and-drop editors that allow even non-developers to build flexible apps in less time.
We’re likely to see more in 2021. However, we’re also influenced to herald a new era of no-code coding.
As the name implies, no-code coding includes building relationships by writing no code. The drag-and-drop editors in low-code development are pushing to allow newbies to create apps without writing a single line of code.
The no-code market will grow 28.1 CAGR to reach 45.5 billion by 2025.
For example, Parabola is an automation platform designated to automate software development with the drag-and-drop and easy-to-use interface. Amazon Honeycode helps streamline the process of creating apps for simple tasks or event management.
5G is reinventing the network
5G is the newest technology that will help in growth for many industries. It is a technical enabler for IoT and other future tech products. While 4G consumes more resources and shortens battery life, 5G is expected to offer lower latency, greater bandwidth availability, and better data security. With the help of 5G, the developers will be able to develop more powerful apps and that too at a faster speed.
Run cost as architecture fitness function
When doing software development involves processes like Agile methodologies and DevOps which point to changes in cloud support and services administration.
The idea of “run cost as architecture fitness celebration” is presented by the Thoughtworks in Technology Radar. It incorporates continuous monitoring of the cost as a fitness function.
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Posted in: Web Development
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