by on May 20, 2021

Your dog will look to you to keep them healthy. These metrics should be visible to pet parents in addition to daily checkups with a veterinarian, including routine health tests such as an annual blood panel, fecal examination, and urinalysis. Below are seven signs that shows that your dog is in good health.

Shiny Coat

If your dog is in good shape, it will display on its coat. As a result of normal shedding and natural oils, healthy dogs have a clean and shiny coat. Except when it gets particularly filthy, you should not bathe your canine friend on a daily basis.


Keep an eye out for excessive scratching, biting, or licking. As this may indicate that your dog has skin allergies or discomfort, it could also indicate that fleas or bugs have infested your dog.

Regular Bowel Movements

The stools of a healthy dog are firm, excreted in one motion, and free of blood or discoloration. Also, if your dog has developed a toilet routine, he or she will try to adhere to it, so any change from this may indicate tummy or urinary issues. Stress, in addition to parasites and viruses, will disrupt your dog's digestion. If you have just recently taken your pet home, he or she might be nervous. Even if this is the most probable cause of any watery stool or constipation, you should always notify your veterinarian.

High Energy Levels

The majority of dogs prefer running to walking. If your pet is sluggish, refuses to play as they usually do, or slows down, this may indicate a variety of other issues. It can range from minor problems like muscle pain to life-threatening conditions like cardiovascular disease.

Your dog should be enthusiastic about their favorite hobbies and be involved. If your dog's temperament changes for more than three days, this could suggest potential health issues and necessitate a trip to the vet if it continues.

Healthy Teeth And Gums

Healthy dogs have healthy teeth and gums. Dental issues are unpleasant and can make it hard for your dog to eat, so look for signs such as a loss of appetite, swollen gums, or bad breath. Crispy, kibble-based diets and dental chews are also excellent options for keeping your dog's teeth clean.

Clean Ears

If you cuddle up to your puppy and there is no waxy odor coming from their ears, that is certainly considered healthy. Clean ears and no odor are a signal that your dog is in good health. But, your pet's ears can get dirty at some point, so it's necessary to clean them on a regular basis. If you ignore your dog's ears, he or she can develop an ear infection, which can be very painful for them.

Clear Eyes

A healthy dog has shiny, bright, and sparkly eyes. You must be able to see clearly through the cornea,  as well as the iris patterns. A shift in diet to species-appropriate foods will help to minimize the amount of tears and staining. If it is not a major health issue, it is suggested to wipe tear stains on a regular basis with chemical-free, all-natural cleaning products.

You may also substitute plastic food and water bowls with stainless steel bowls, which do not harbor bacteria that irritate your dog's face. Probiotics can also be added to your pet's diet to help reduce staining.

Healthy Nails

Healthy dogs have long, straight, and solid nails. There is no brittleness or cracking. They can be white, black, or a color mix. There are many explanations why your dog's nails might be brittle, breaking, weak, peeling, elastic, fragile, or cracking: A poor diet, fungal infections, yeast, or physical damage are all possibilities. Keep an eye out for any signs of inflammation near the nail beds. Inflammation may be caused by a paronychia infection. It develops along the toe's edge and the underlying tissue. If left untreated, the toe can need to be amputated surgically.

Bring up any questions or doubts you have about your dog's wellbeing when you see your veterinarian. For a wide range of diagnostic and treatment measures such as blood gases, electrolytes, metabolites, and coagulation markers, get the veterinary blood chemistry analyzer, which is compact, battery-powered, and fully automatic.

Posted in: Pets
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