by on May 26, 2021
Here you will find a list of some (but not all) of the greatest relationship aspects in Astrology and what they can mean in real terms for both people involved.
Sun conjunct Moon
Sun conjunct Moon is a Synastry aspect that is likely to increase mutual attraction and understanding at an instinctual level between two people. The two may simply feel that they ‘get’ one another and as a result of this experience a heightened level of comfort within the relationship.
The Sun person may feel that they can see underneath the Moon person’s exterior to how they are feeling and may identify with their personal values, which they may deeply respect them for and come to experience a sense of validation from that feels very personal to them.
The Moon person may feel an instinctive level of understanding towards the personality type of the Sun person and in doing so may experience a certain level of admiration for them and the types of things they are naturally confident in doing.
Sun conjunct Descendant
When there is a Sun conjunct Descendant aspect between two couples, there may be a sense of overall fulfilment and ‘perfect coupling’ between the two within the relationship. One or both may feel like they have found ‘the one’.
The Sun person may find that they feel stronger, more confident and enthusiastic whilst in the relationship with the Descendant person, whilst finding it easy to help the them to reach their potential and their personal goals simply by their own words of encouragement and by trying their best to relate to the Descendant person.
He Descendant person may feel a strong pull and attraction towards the Sun person while noticing that their personality and the natural confidence they exude fits a perfect example of their ideal partner. This means that they may tick all of the boxes of their bucket list on paper. Although this aspect will not make a great relationship alone, it will certainly add a huge amount of potential to it.
Venus trine or conjunct Mars
The Venus trine Mars aspect between two people really tends to increase the sense of mutual physical comfort and belonging within a relationship, as well as social rapport and carnal attraction. Physical touch may simply feel much more natural and comfortable than without the Venus Mars easy aspect.
The Venus personal may usually have a natural receptivity for the Mars person’s way of making moves on the Venus person and trying to attract them, because this flow of energy is straight-forward. The Venus person may respond to the Mars person’s advancements with romance and affection.
The Mars person may feel attracted to the Venus person to a point where they feel compelled to express this in some ways and make a move on them. The Venus person’s natural artistic expressions and relationship values are what may naturally attract and energize the Mars person.
Venus trine Saturn
Venus trine Saturn between two people’s charts in Astrology (or as an aspect in your synastry overlay) is a brilliant aspect to have that can contribute to the longevity of a relationship.
The Venus person can usually appreciate the Saturn person’s general approach to life’s responsibilities and may even find this attractive about them. They may also feel loved and appreciated over time by their dependable and serious nature towards the relationship.
The Saturn person may really enjoy the Venus person’s display of love and affection towards them because they are usually willing to sacrifice themselves to make them happy in little practical ways each day. In turn they may feel a sense of natural faithfulness and loyalty towards their partner that is unwavering and increases over time, with the maturity of the relationship.
Jupiter conjunct Chiron
With the Jupiter conjunct Chiron aspect there may be a sense throughout the whole relationship that the Chiron wound is being healed, which is of course relative to the natal house that it falls into.
The Jupiter person may simply have an ongoing sense of enthusiasm and belief in the Chiron person, while instinctively knowing how the wounds of the Chiron person can be healed and effectively assisting in this in little ways, just by virtue of being themselves.
The Chiron person may simply realise that, as time is spent with the Jupiter person, problems associated with the Chiron wound are being revealed to themselves in ways that they can implement their own healing within. Fears associated with the Chiron wound may also be gradually overcome in this relationship.
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