by on June 5, 2021
Most popular champions in Rift, the Teemo counters are heavily reliant on certain points. The most common counters against hard top against bottom lane is Vayne, Renekton & Illaoi; while teemo counters easiest in most common situations by Ezreal, Vladimir & Yoga. How can you know what kind of Teemo counter is right for you? There are many factors that can determine how effective a Teemo counter is. First thing you have to consider, how good is your opponent's Teemo? Ezreal, for example, counters Teemo best when he's not alone; when Ezreal and his team are grouped, he simply cannot do as much damage as if they were not; and when his mana pool is low, he will simply lack enough raw damage to one-on-one against Syndra, the true threat in Rift. If you're playing against Syndra and see that she has an extremely high health total, she could very well out sustain you in almost all situations; if this is the case, then you simply have to run away and not fight her. In that case, most competent Teemo counter picks would be Zyra, Talon, or Taric, all of whom excel in team fights, especially when their abilities compliment one another. When it comes to counter picking against Syndra, however, there are two main styles of play: poke and stall. The best way to play against Syndra with these Teemo counters is to simply poke her continuously with the help of your skills; let her come to you and kick her butt! The first type of Teemo counter pick that we'll discuss is the poke Teemo. These counters rely heavily on using their Q and E to poke into the enemy. Once the enemy comes to them, they spam their Q and E to get the most damage they can from a comfortable range; and then just move away. There are many popular Teemo counter picks for this tactic, including the likes of Gnar, Gnu, and Syndra. Poking is useful for several reasons; firstly, it allows your Teemo to get onto the back line of the enemy champions and start poking at them from a safe distance. Second, it opens up more options for you, as you can often engage the enemy without even having to leave the lane. Finally, poking allows you to trade hits back and forth with the champion and force them to make difficult decisions about their own survival based on the amount of damage you're doing. As you can probably guess, these counters work best against champions who have long ranges, such as Syndra and Gnar. The second type of Teemo counter is the stall Teemo counter. This tactic is used when you are far enough behind the enemy to have good damage control; however, you are not near enough to continue fighting them in a duel. Instead, you run down the middle of the battlefield, using either your abilities or autos to harass the enemy while they attempt to deal damage to you. This type of tactic is very effective in tealights, but also works well in the early game. Just be sure that if you are doing this tactic, you're using all your abilities and autos, so that you don't take too much unnecessary damage. For example, try to use your Q on an enemy who's grouped up for a CC, and then immediately leave the group to free yourself from their damage. The last type of Teemo counter pick is the burst Teemo counter. These are actually the most effective counters if you play Teemo correctly. They are generally used when the enemy has plenty of long ranged CC such as Gnar, Syndra, and Gnu, and you are a bit behind in the game. The idea of these counters is to keep the enemy from reaching you, while still allowing you to do significant damage. The best counters will do the most damage and stun the enemy for long enough so that you can get some free damage in on them. The best way to learn how to counter a Teemo player is to play against one. The first thing you will notice is that Teemo players will often poke you. A good Teemo player will either use their dash to go between you and your target, or they will hit you with their abilities. The reason that Teemo players will do this is to get you low enough to not only be CCed, but to also be stunned. After the stunned state, most Teemo players will either jump away to get away from the ability, or use their ult to stay alive. The key to beating a competent Teemo player is to keep him/her busy long enough for your auto attacks to do significant damage. Since Teemo has weak early game, it is usually a good idea to just roam the lane with your main tank, and hit the opposing Teemo with your auto attacks for a while. The most effective way to stop a Teemo counter is to pressure your opponent to fight you in the middle of the lane where your team has an advantage.
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