Samantha Palmer
by on June 5, 2021
Bigcommerce is one of the most often used CMS platforms. Its useful features allow effective optimization helping built great e-commerce websites. SEO is one of the most important components of marketing nowadays, being a critical factor of a business’s growth and success. Here are some useful ways to benefit from a Bigcommerce SEO service. Optimize your URL structure: - One of the most useful Bigcommerce SEO services is customizable URLs. For a shorter and crispier URL, use short URLs whereby you can remove the /page/slug and .html part of the URL making the structure search-engine friendly. Enable breadcrumbs: - Breadcrumbs are a very popular Bigcommerce SEO feature. They help to navigate between product pages on a web store, improving the user experience. Having breadcrumbs improve Google's ranking as they allow the search engine to comprehend the website structure well. Turning on the breadcrumb feature will help in SEO optimization. Edit meta descriptions: - Google has recently increased the meta description word limit from 160 to 320 characters. However, it is wiser to include the focus keyword initially in the description making your website gain a better Google ranking. Utilize category descriptions: - Category descriptions also serve as a good way to implement a Bigcommerce SEO service. In the category description part, make effective use of focus keywords, covering your products sufficiently. Cover all your product descriptions while staying within the character limit of 320. Optimize page titles: - Although it is unknown as to what is the proper word limit for a page title as per Google’s standard, however, it is beneficial to include the focus keyword, product category, and the store name in the page title for SEO optimization. Focus on improving your Bigcommerce store’s speed: - Undoubtedly, page speed is one of the critical factors of search engine ranking. Using tools such as image compression can significantly reduce the time taken to download images. Similarly, avoiding a huge number of web fonts and minimizing external scripts on your website can also help improve download speed. Enable AMP format on your website for a superior mobile website experience. These were some tips to benefit from the Bigcommerce SEO service.
Posted in: SEO
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Like August 31, 2021