Macron Will
by on June 6, 2021
JAMB UTME Registration 2021 and exam is at hand latest May and for serious candidates who want to score high up to 270 and above in this coming jamb exam here is the best opportunity for you, don’t dull because your mates are in school already. It is cheap and affordable compared to the service we render and our system is more advantageous than others since we will assist you till the end of the exam. Read this slowly so that you will grab it well and get the chance to unlock your score to +270 in this coming jamb. Since the full introduction of jamb cbt in 2015 our crew decided to map out the best strategy to ensure that you score up to 270 and above. Take a look at the pictures below for brief description of what jamb-cbt is all about.... jamb expo HOW IS THIS JAMB CBT EXAM LIKE Many candidates are familiar with this system of examination but for the sake of those that doesn’t know it take note of the following tips JAMB CBT exam is a modern testing procedure where each examinee (jambite) answers their questions directly on a computer. Because of its easy, accurate, quick assessment jamb management decided to adapt the system. As shown in the pictures above different candidates sit in the same hall, with different sits and different computers loaded with different questions in different types and time is flying. As you start your exam computer starts to record your time and when the time exceeds the same computer logs out the screen of the exam For instance depending on the hall seven candidates may be in the same column ,the first candidate type may be B and the second candidate may be type D in that manner. First candidates number 1 may be third candidates number 30 and you cannot view all the questions at once. It may load 10 questions at once after answering that 10 questions Then you press next there comes next questions at the end if there is time you can edit and answer the ones you have not answered or correct the ones you think is wrong. FEATURES OF JAMB CBT EXAMINATION One-Student-One-Computer: This testing system is based on one person per computer system at a particular time. As always expected of a good student, you are advised to enter the examination hall only with the approved examination materials. The candidate will sit close to the computer system, maybe a laptop computer or a desktop computer. The candidate will face the computer screen awaiting the invigilators command “START”. Some Exams like the ones mostly administered by PEARSON are strictly on computer based while some others may be dual, i.e both computer and paper. In the latter, the students or examinee is given examination question paper and they will be required to answer their questions on the computer unlike the former, the students or the examinee are not given any question paper. Here the questions are on the computer screen while the examinee chooses their seemingly correct answers by right clicking The radio button. Computer Based Test Desktop, How does it look like? All computer desktops contain icons for simple computer user interaction with the computer system. It uses the WYSIWYG theory. That means what you see is what you get. Depending on the type of test, the computer screen might be preset to the START page where the examinee will just have to fill in their personal details which is sometimes part of the exams it self. No matter what exams it is, the basic icons that will be found in the screen will not be very far from what I will explain below in point number three. What are the notable desktop icons for Computer Based Test (CBT)? (a) The START Button:The time that every exam commences is the “START” period and the time that the exam ends is the “STOP” button. Examinees should be very watchful of this button as it the paramount of all. (b) Time and Progress: Immediately when you click start, the clock timer begins to count, which indicates the progress of the exams. This also indicates the time that is remaining for the exams. At any point of the exams, at least you should be able to see how much time remaining for you. (c) Question Counter:Just like the time counter, there is also questions timer. This indicates how many questions you have answered and how many are remaining. So you will not likely be in a loop while writing computer based test. For instance you are writing a 50 question exams and you are on the eleventh question, the question timer will indicate something like “question 11 of 50. Meaning that you still have 39 questions unanswered. Simple maths isn’t it? (d) Test Navigations: This feature of a computer based test is as important as the test itself and they are always available on the test screen throughout the test session. Notable of the navigations are: (1) “NEXT” which goes to the next question when clicked, clicking next moves you the next screen (2) “PREVIOUS” this gives the examinee the opportunity to go back to earlier answered question, she they changed their mind towards the ostensibly correct answer. Clicking PREVIOUS moves you back one screen, (3) “SUBMIT” this is the most important of all the buttons, because there is nothing as bad as writing a test without submitting it. You will not have your score if you did not submit your test. Clicking submit button submits the test or exams and sometimes closes the exam window. This at times marks the STOP of the exams. (e) The Scroll Bar:Some test may not fit on the screen. For these questions, a scroll bar will appear. To reveal the rest of the questions, either you use the mouse to click drag the scroll bar or click on the arrows on either end of the scroll bar. How Do You Choose the Correct Answers? Most times, the questions in computer based test are in the multi-choice format. This is called multi Choice Question where you will be required to pick the correct answer(s). NOTICE : Computer Base Test is strictly one Student-One-Computer: This testing system is based on one person per computer system at a particular time. The candidate will sit close to the computer system, maybe a laptop computer or a desktop computer. HANDLING OF MOUSE IN JAMB EXAM HALL  Left clicking is what you use to select actions like starting the exam,selection of answers and to submit your answers after exam.Right clicking is not that essential in this aspectVertical scrolling,a circle like symbol that is located at the middle of the mouse is very important because you use it to scroll up to the next question or down to previous question though left clicking can do that if the scroll bar appears. JAMB CBT 2017 EXPO ANSWER FORMAT JAMB MATHEMATICS ANSWER y – 2 + 3y = 10 Solve for y .A. 6B. 5C. 4D. 3E. You select one of the best answers which is 3 option D : JAMB ENGLISH LANGUAGE ANSWER which of these best describes Aunty Moni’s character trait A.Extravagant B.Arrogant C.Garrulous D.Docile Best answer is Garrulous option C, JAMB ECONOMICS ANSWER Deflation will occur in an economy when there is a A. Fall in the general price level B. Rise in nominal interest rate C. Rise in the general price level D. Decrease in production rate The best answer is option A,you select it by: •Pressing the letter on the keyboard, •Clicking the radio button with a mouse, Something like black spot will show on your selected answer. Hope this write up gives you a brief overview of the pattern of computer based test. So, as expected, if you read this article before the test, it means you have what it takes to succeed in your exams SIGNIFICANT FEATURES OF JAMB CBT EXAMINATION (a) Subject area: where the subject taken is located. (b) The Time (duration) for the examination.(c) Remaining time for the examination. Candidates are advised to check the time lapse and time remaining to be able to complete the exams on time (d) Instruction area: where candidates are to check the instructions pertaining the exams (e) Basic Mouse Use With this, You have little knowledge about jamb cbt and that is why sending both questions and answers is the best way to score high in jamb cbt.With the strategy applied to that of last year it will much better next year as everything will be coded through our authentic sources coupled with our experienced Teachers. Subscribe to us today and get closer to your admission. LIST OF AVAILABLE SUBJECTS FOR JAMB CBT EXPO/RUNS 2021 English language Chemistry Mathematics Physics Biology Accounting Government Geography IRS Music Literature Commerce Agricultural Science Economics C. R. K List of 2021 Exams By Mr Legit Jamb Expo Waec Runs NECO Answers IJMB Expo Jupeb Runz WAEC GCE Expo NECO Gce Expo Jamb Expo 2021 WhatsApp Group WAEC Expo 2021 WhatsApp Group HOW WOULD THIS WORK Due to high connections and money involved we are able to bring this standard to you, our source never fail as we will send you both questions and answers direct to your phone as sms or what’sApp depending on the available one 8 hours before the exam commences. As I explained it is better to send both questions and answers to you because you cannot share your answers to your partner reason time is going and your number 1 question may be your partner’s number 30. Secondly so that you master the questions and answers or you use a small paper and write it down before you enter into the hall, if you are smart enough you can enter hall with your phone Don’t subscribe to scammers or jokers because it is your future, be wise and remain wise . You can view the to confirm one of the best result ever that’s the endless support we give to our candidates. ADVICE : Avoid been deceived by others…. Because Myexponaija is the best place for you to conquer your JAMB CBT 2021 exam. OUR ASSISTANCE IS MORE ADVANTAGEOUS WHY? We will assist you in all till the end of the exam if there is any change in the system but others will not assist you if there is any change . secondly we solve it ourselves with our special and experienced teachers. Thirdly our V. I. P (early payment through bank) Subscribers will receive past questions and answers WHERE CAN I GET REAL AND CORRECT JAMB CBT 2021/2022 EXPO AND RUNS Expolegit is the best place for you to get jamb-cbt expo and runs as long jamb cbt exam is concerned. All you have to do is to subscribe for your 100% guaranteed answers as early as possible. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by because 2021 is your year to pass jamb cbt for sure WHERE CAN I GET JAMB CBT 2017/18 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS The answer still remains here (Expolegit). Sending you both questions and answers is the best way for you to get high score HOW CAN I SCORE UP TO 270 TO 350 IN JAMB CBT EXPO 2021 The early you subscribe the better the score. Once you pay into our bank account then you are automatically a V. I. P. With our experienced teachers. You can get up to that score. HOW TO GET HIGH SCORE IN JAMB UTME 2021 The choice is yours…. Start now to subscribe it will make it easier for you to score high mark in jamb utme 2021 HOW TO SUBSCRIBE FOR JAMB CBT 2021 REAL, CORRECT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Pay the jamb cbt questions and answers fee of just 7000naira <> to the bank details below. Due to the pressing need of our subscribers for one, two or three subjects subscription, we are grateful to announce to you that you can now subscribe for one, two or three subjects
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