by on June 11, 2021
The lecture form of education at the university, in contrast to the secondary school, is the main one. It is the lecture that should give the student a guiding thread, help him not to drown in the flow of information, find guidelines, select what is necessary and useful. A university lecture not only provides deep and versatile knowledge, but also maximizes the upbringing and development of the student, forms a deep ideological conviction, and develops creative abilities. A student's work in a lecture requires certain educational skills. Ability to listen effectively. The student must be ready for the lecture and its recording before the lecturer arrives in the classroom, since it is in the first minute that the topic is announced, the main goal is formulated, and a list of the most important questions is given. Without this, further understanding of the lecture is difficult. Hearing in a lecture is actually only the first step in the process of meaningful listening, which includes several stages, starting from hearing the speech and ending with the assessment of what was said. The process of listening and understanding sometimes requires considerable mental stress and is difficult for a number of reasons. 1. High speed of mental activity. We think four times faster than we speak. Therefore, when someone speaks, the listener has enough time to get distracted from the topic under discussion. 2. Selectivity of attention. Since childhood, we have become accustomed to hearing a lot at the same time, without paying utmost attention to everything. Trying to listen carefully to everything would be overwhelming. Therefore, we learn to consistently choose what is of greatest interest to us. This inherent habit of shifting attention from object to object makes it difficult to fix attention. 3. "Antipathy" to other people's thoughts. It is easier for us to follow our thoughts than forcing ourselves to follow what the other is saying. 4. The need for a replica. Someone’s speech may make us want to object immediately. We are no longer listening. Thoughts are busy formulating comments. Based on these listening difficulties, some people develop bad habits that make it difficult to establish contact with the speaker: - increased attention to defects in appearance, speech of the speaker and his manners; - the habit of listening to the speaker without looking at him (good speakers reinforce their speech with expressive gestures and rich facial expressions); - increased susceptibility to minor distractions (shuffling, coughing, etc.); - a hasty assessment of the topic and the conclusion that there will be nothing new or valuable in the speech, a premature conclusion that the provisions of the report are incorrect or not worthy of attention; as a consequence, a hasty abandonment of efforts to listen to the speaker; - negative emotional reaction to any contradiction (including necessary) in the course of the lecturer's reasoning; - ostentatious attention in cases where the head is actually busy with other worries. The listening process can be optimized, we will give several ways of such optimization: Highlighting the most important provisions. Obviously, it is not possible to remember and understand everything that is said to the speaker, but the main, most important points can be highlighted. 2. Step-by-step analysis and generalization. During the speech, it is necessary to constantly analyze and generalize the provisions and theses that are disclosed in the text of the report or lecture. 3. Ahead of the speaker's speech. When the listener has an interest in the speech, then the desire to predict the next position arises automatically, but if there is no interest in the speech, then it is worth resorting to a conscious prediction of the further content. These recommendations are simple, but their application is possible only with systematic training. Drawing up the lecture notes. It is quite obvious that even the best memory will not be able to keep the huge flow of information communicated by the lecturer. Therefore, the lecture must be written down, but at the same time it is necessary to learn how to do it correctly, namely: to keep short notes, in which only the most important points or main theses presented by the lecturer are formulated. In addition, there is a technique that allows you to form the skill of highlighting basic information, which is conventionally called the “text filtering and compression” technique. In this technique, two operations can be distinguished: 1. Dividing the text into parts according to the meaning. 2. Allocation in each part of the text of one word or a short phrase or generalizing short formulation that would express the basis of the content of this part. The practice of drawing up structural and logical diagrams will help the student to learn to visualize the material being studied, to grasp its structure holistically, to correctly generalize and systematize scientific facts and concepts. Want to know more, visit
Topics: education, lectures
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