Harbor Compounding
by on June 14, 2021

AIDS- The Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is the last stage of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). It is a severe disease that can cause death. HIV damages your immune system and allows the virus to enter your body. Due to this, your body loses its capability to fight diseases, germs, and infections. HIV is an STI. STI stands for sexually transmitted Infection . It spreads with any sexual contact or even by contact with infected blood or infected needles. HIV can also be passed from an infected mother to her child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding.

HIV or AIDS has no cure but with the help of medications, its effect can be delayed. LOW DOSE NALTREXONE (LDN) is an example of a medication that can help to decrease the rate at which the immune system is damaged due to HIV/AIDS. LDN has been seen to significantly affect patients with HIV/AIDS and improve their decaying health conditions. You can get LDN in all forms from the Harbor Compounding Pharmacy. You can also get customized LDN for yourself by providing your prescription. Please contact the harbor compounding pharmacy or visit their website for more details.

In this article, you’ll find methods to protect yourself from getting HIV/AIDS. The following are a few things that you should take care of if you want to protect yourself from acquiring HIV/AIDS:

  1. ● Have protected sex.
  2. ● Use a new condom every time you have sex.
  3. ● Use a water-based condom, it will not break.
  4. ● If you have HIV, take regular medications so that your partner may stay safe.
  5. ● Tell your partner immediately if you have HIV so that they may take necessary precautions.
  6. ● Take combination drugs emtricitabine plus tenofovir and emtricitabine plus tenofovir alafenamide, to help you stay safe from HIV.
  7. ● Make sure you use a clean needle every time if you inject drugs.
  8. ● If you’re pregnant and infected with HIV, get the necessary treatment right away. It can lower the risk of passing the infection to your baby.
  9. ● If you’re a male, consider getting a circumcision. It has been proven that it prevents people from getting HIV.
What to do if you’ve tested positive for HIV?

If you think that it is possible that you may have been infected with HIV or can get infected by it, get yourself tested as soon as possible. And if the results of the test show positive HIV, then you must see your doctor right away. Furthermore, you can get Low Dose Naltrexone from the Harbor compounding pharmacy.

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