Jerry Chen
by on July 3, 2021
So you've been wondering what muscles do dumbbells work, or maybe you're wondering if they even matter at all. The answer is that dumbbells don't directly target muscle fibers, but they do train the larger muscle groups in a synergistic fashion. Dumbbells are primarily used for compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once. Exercises like bench presses, deadlifts, overhead press, barbell rows, and squats all work the chest, back, shoulders, traps, and other stabilizing muscles of the chest and back.

Most of the weight training exercises that people perform work the triceps, but what many people don't realize is that they actually stretch the biceps as well. Dumbbells are great for increasing strength throughout the whole body, but the best part of dumbbell workouts is that they build up the triceps first. Dumbbell curls work the triceps with an increased range of motion than when using free weights. When the triceps are strengthened, the shoulder joint and rotator cuff will also be helped by these constant movements.

The next exercise we're going to focus on are dumbbell flyes. These are done by laying on your back, holding a dumbbell in each hand, and then, lift your arms straight out from your body and, lowering them slowly to the sides. As you get closer to the bottom of the movement, you'll repeat the movement as high as you can. This will not only strengthen the upper chest region, but it will also give your shoulder and triceps the support they need. You'll find that these exercises are extremely effective and will keep your body strong and in shape, even after your workout is finished.

A very important exercise that I'm sure all strength training beginners will already be familiar with, but which many people overlook when beginning a new strength training routine, is the seated concentration dumbbell press. To perform this exercise, you'll start by sitting down and holding the dumbbells in your hands at shoulder width. Next, make small, controlled pushes up until your arms are fully extended. Lower the dumbbells slowly to a resting position, and repeat the process. This is a great way to increase the size of your shoulders, because as your body increases in muscle mass, the shoulders will follow suit, giving you a sleeker-looking silhouette.

The last exercise we're going to cover are the dumbbell shoulder presses. This exercise focuses on the chest region and works the pectoral muscles in just a few simple steps. Begin by standing with your feet apart, and your arms hanging by your sides. Let's assume you've performed the standard dumbbell shoulder press, and that now you're going to move your arms in a lateral, or side to side motion, by pushing the dumbbells up toward your shoulders, then down to your arms again.

Now, to do this properly, you'll want to use slow, controlled motions, and you'll want to curl your arms up and down for each arm, using only lighter weights than the ones that came before. You can use these dumbbell workouts to target the biceps, triceps, forearms, calves, and abs, all at the same time. If you have trouble with any of these areas, or any of the exercises included in this article, I recommend checking out my website for a comprehensive workout that targets all of these muscles in just two simple, yet effective steps.

Remember that working your muscles in sets takes more time than simply working them in isolation. By combining these exercises with other weight lifting workouts, like squats and deadlifts, you'll get a full body workout that puts an end to the endless quest for the perfect body, and gives you the fitness you need to keep your body strong for a long time.

Best Dumbbells for Home Gyms

Posted in: health
Topics: exercise, fitness, sport
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