Peter Anderson
by on July 7, 2021


This year would bear rudiments of the past year karmas. Through the year, you would have to face the reality of life rather than sticking to  fantasy. All your efforts and hard work would be highly supported during the second and third quarter of the year 2022. The middle part of the year would bring you great surprises rather shocks. Through the year, the planets Saturn and Jupiter would guide you in your footsteps. This is not a time to dream, instead just spring into action.

  • The year 2022 would be full of ups and downs for Gemini people.
  • Through the year, luck and fortune would befall you in the career segment though.
  • Your finances would meet with rough weather, hence stay away from all sorts of specualtive deals this year.
  • The prospects of Gemini students would look good for the period ahead.

2022 Love Horoscope for Gemini

As the year 2022 starts your love ad marriage prospects would be quite troublesome as Mars, the significator or love and marriage would be opposing your homestead. However after the first quarter of the year passes, things shall brighten up in your love arena thanks to the prospects brought about by Venus. Love and romance would get a new meaning in your life. Venus’ movement through the zodiac cycle would bring about a roller coaster ride in your love life. Maintaining a perfect breathable distance with partner and helping to understand him or her better would perfect your love relationships this year.

  • Gemini natives who are married would find the year quite solemn and peaceful.
  • However your natal chart positions would affect your married life in more than one way through the course of the year ahead.
  • For some natives, partner or spouse would be a person of disgrace this period, wise moves are asked from you then.
  • Through the year, the planets Jupiter and Saturn are likely to interfere with the health of your spouse or partner.
  • Venus’ strong positions through the zodiac sky ensures that there is better compatibility with partner.
  • As the year ends, prospective couple are likely to conceive a child much to their surprise.
  • Love shall turn into marriage for some lucky Gemini folks this year.
  • But it would not be a bed of roses, you have to past through many trials on the way.
  • Temporary separation from partner or spouse most likely around the middle of the year for Gemini guys.
  • Your love would mature with time as the year progresses on.

2022 Family Horoscope for Gemini

For the year 2022, Saturn makes sure that domestic welfare and happiness are assured for Gemini folks. But then do not expect much reciprocation from family, do set boundaries. Though occasional family disputes arise, Jupiter would iron them out in course of time. Much luck and fortune are on the cads for you and you stand to gain some ancestral properties these days. Around the middle of the year, you would see better compatibility with family members.

Auspicious events at home keep you on your toes for the year. Through the course, there might be some difference of opinion with elders at home. But then you would be able to sort them out with time. Jupiter’s aspect on your house of family would improve your social standing for the year. Though cordial relations are forecast at home, you might develop some issues with in-laws if in a relationship or marriage.


  • This year, you would be able to give your time and resources for family, though you were not able to do the same, for the past few years.
  • You would be able to make some high-value purchases for home this year.
  • A sense of positive energy would flow within your household and auspicious events are on the cards.
  • But then the middle of the year might bring about some misunderstandings at home.
  • Mars loitering in your 4th house during the third quarter of the year would bring about some troubles at home.
  • Mother might meet with some health issues and maternal relationships would turn sour for some family's horoscope for Gemini folks this year.
  • Siblings if any for you would be supportive of you in times of need, particularly financial support would be offered when you are in dire need of the same.
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