Shaheen Shaikh
by on August 5, 2021

Dog food is the food specially prepared and intended for consumption by dogs only. As dogs are omnivores, they have learned to survive in society on leftovers from humans. But for the proper nutrition and health of dog, it is necessary to provide them with the best food.

If you give the home-cooked food to dog, it is possible that it may have no hunger, but it will definitely lack nutritional content. The type of food you want to serve to the dog also differs considering the breed of the food. Dog food generally consists of meat, grains, cereals, vitamins, meat byproducts, etc.

Types of Dog Food

Dog food is made attractive by adding various colors and flavors to the food. Dog food can be found anywhere in the market. The dog food available online also provides the same quality of products as that of offline ones. There are mainly five types of dog food. The first type is the dry food known as kibble.  It has a long lifeline and is affordable in nature. It mainly keeps dog teeth’s healthy.

The second one is wet or canned food. It is generally rich in water and has low nutritional value.  They are also expensive. Semi-moist dog foods are meaty foods such as pork, chops, etc. This food is less in nutrition because of various colorings and artificial flavors. It is given on occasional time. The fourth type is home cooked food. If you want to try this food, consult with a diet planner for the dog. The last category of food is the raw diet. It includes raw meat placed with some pieces of bone. All these dog foods are online presented to the customers.

Prices of Dog Food

The price of dog food usually depends on the type of food you choose. Such as the dry food costs less as compared to the price of wet food. Dog food also varies with the breed of the dog, which affects the dog food prices.

The cost of dog food also varies according to the size of the dog. It is different for adults and puppies as they have different plans for their diet.

The Pro Plan and Super Coat products

Online dog food is made available in two categories. One is the pro plan. It is for the puppies as they are more prone to diseases. So they require a proper diet rich in colostrums which enhances their immunity. The other is the super coat. These products help in immune protection, stronger muscles, and providing a shiny coat layer to dogs.

Dog foods help in the proper brain development, strong bones enhance dental care, which leads towards the healthy life of the dog.

Posted in: Pets
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