Riedel Richard
by on August 5, 2021

Many businesses consider time tracking to be more than just a tool. To them, it is a multifaceted business asset with far-reaching implications for their brand. This is one of the reasons why time tracking apps have grown in popularity in recent years. They use it to track how their employees spend their time. They then develop strategies to assist them in streamlining their projects, processing payroll, identifying hiring needs, and much more. Without time tracking, it is difficult to achieve the same level of insight with the same amount of effort and in the same amount of time.

What is time tracking?

Time tracking is the process of monitoring and recording the amount of time spent on billable and nonbillable tasks and projects. While there are numerous implications for time tracking and how it relates to success, one key fact makes time tracking absolutely critical: you cannot manage time that you do not track.

It is impossible to manage your time if you do not track it. This is detrimental to your business in a variety of ways, and it is yet another reason why time tracking, when done correctly, can yield outstanding results. While there are numerous methods for tracking time, not all of them are efficient (think spreadsheets or even pen and paper).

Time tracking software solutions are the most effective method because they are generally the most accurate and cost-effective solutions for businesses. So, in this post, we'll go over why time-tracking software solutions are critical to the success of your company.

Why Time Tracking?

Boost Accountability:

Time tracking is important for your team because it helps keep your employees accountable. Employees may spend an hour or more of their workday distracted on a typical day. During this time, they may be conversing with coworkers, making phone calls, or surfing the internet. This time they are not working is costing your company a lot of money. In a recent blog post, New York Times Bestselling author and entrepreneur James Clear summed it up:

"In our age of constant distraction, it's stupidly easy to split our attention between what we should be doing and what society bombards us with. Usually, we're balancing the needs of messages, emails, and to-do lists at the same time that we are trying to get something accomplished. It's rare that we are fully engaged in the task at hand."

Most people are easily distracted. It's not unusual. What matters is how quickly they can eliminate those distractions and return to work, which is why time tracking is essential. With the right software, you can track idle time, URLs, and apps to hold your employees accountable and adjust workforce management accordingly. This actually serves as a deterrent to idle time, as most employees would prefer not to be confronted with evidence of their inactivity. They will expect their tasks to be completed in accordance with the number of hours worked. So, if they do talk to their coworkers, it may not be a random 20-minute conversation. Alternatively, if they conduct a quick internet search, they’re less likely to get caught up in it.

Performance Insights:

You may not be able to manage your teams successfully if you do not have insight into how your employees are performing. After all, it's critical to recognize employees who go above and beyond for the organization. However, without employee monitoring, it is difficult to get a true reading on the office all-starts, which is an excellent example of why time tracking software is beneficial to team morale.

Time tracking software can give you valuable insight into how well your employees are performing. Then you can see who is putting in the most effort. And, because you'll know who your top performers are, you can boost their morale by telling them how well they're doing.

Aside from identifying employees who are performing exceptionally well, time trackers can also be used to identify strengths and weaknesses. You can identify patterns in their work habits if you collect enough data. At what point in the project does their performance deteriorate? Furthermore, how long should it take them on average to complete their tasks? Are they deviating from or exceeding the baseline?

This allows you to take the necessary steps to assist anyone who is having difficulty completing their tasks more efficiently.

Manage Workloads:

Time tracking can be used as a form of nonverbal communication between an employer and an employee. Some employees may be reluctant to admit that they have too much on their plates. Time tracking allows you to identify these instances and gain the insight you need to alleviate some of the stress.

You can quickly identify who is overworked and even identify employees who could assist with the additional workload. You'll also know who to delegate tasks to if you've already determined their strengths and weaknesses.

On the other hand, if everyone is working efficiently and their workloads are nearly full, this could indicate a need for additional assistance. With more assistance, you will be able to meet more deadlines. So, in general, time tracking can help you gain visibility into workloads, which benefits everyone.

Boost Efficiency:

Traditional time tracking methods, such as spreadsheets and manual time tracking, is inefficient for both employers and employees. It takes hours for business owners or HR to collect, organize, and record timesheets for payroll purposes. Employees are also less productive when they have to manually record what they are doing and how long they are doing it.

Everyone, from employees to managers to business owners, can increase their efficiency with accurate time tracking tools that automate much of the process. Employers don't have much time left after manually recording timesheets for payroll to analyze them and streamline processes.

However, an accurate, automatic time tracking tool can give everyone their time back, allowing them to focus on what really matters: productivity and work integrity!

Track Project Progress:

The speed with which your projects are completed determines your reputation and profitability. When you consistently miss deadlines because you underestimated how long it would take to finish a project, it causes confusion and conflict. Without effective project management, clients lose trust in your brand and end up telling other business owners about its flaws. After all, word of mouth works both ways.

By underestimating the time, you are also underestimating the cost of the project. And you're not making a profit if your employees spend too much time on projects that you underpriced.

Time tracking software allows you to keep track of your projects and how much time and money is spent on them. And, if you have enough data from your time tracker, you can accurately estimate how many resources a project will require based on similar projects.


Managing your employees, their time, and your projects without a time tracking tool is a difficult task. It is certainly doable, but times have changed! Accuracy and consistency are essential in today's world.

The knowledge gained from accurate data can help you stay profitable and your employees stay efficient. That is why time tracking is such an important topic, and time tracking software has grown in popularity.

Are you considering incorporating time tracking into your business? What's the main reason you're thinking about it? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Posted in: software, Technology
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