neha jain
by on August 11, 2021
The MPPSC state service mains examination includes descriptive and detailed questions. The allotted time limit is 3 hours to answer the wide range of questions in the prescribed word limit. Therefore, it is important for the student to prepare comprehensively and effectively to answer all the G.S papers, and essay. Some points that a student must take care while answering the question are mentioned below.
Examine and Analyze the Question
Before you pen down an answer, the foremost thing is to examine and analyze properly the question asked in the examination. Examining the question implies that you need to probe deeper into the topic asked. Then list its relevant details and limitations which can be incorporated in the answer. Keep in mind the word limit mentioned in the paper. Basically, there can be a question saying examine or critically examine, which means you need to focus on all the good and bad aspects of the point mentioned and then write a fair judgment based on your facts and your viewpoints.
When the question says analyze, it means you need to study the structure of the topic being asked. Break the topic into important points and components and then present the entire answer in a summary form. Analysing the question means you have to ponder over each part of the question and look at it from a broader perspective. Sometimes the question may demand to interlink various topics. So you need to be vigilant and critical while answering a particular question. You can practice writing while giving mppsc test series provided by some good mppsc coaching in indore. Questions require a student to analyze the issue and give opinions, which can be framed by studying about the issue from more than one source material.
Frame a Structure
You may know the answer well but if you cannot frame it in a proper structure, scoring good marks may be difficult. A proper structure of an answer makes it convenient to communicate your knowledge about the relevant topic. A well-structured answer shows the clarity the student has over the subject. Take your time to formulate a rough outline as to what all points you wish to mention and what should be its order. A good answer is an amalgamation of an introduction and a conclusion that makes your answer look complete. If you simply write an answer on the points that come to your mind, it will look unorganized. Precisely, your answer must be organized, planned, relevant and appropriate as per the questions’ requirement.
Answer all Questions
The marking for the answers written is strict at the Main exam. This is a competitive exam and even a marginal mark for a question makes a difference. The current pattern awards even marks for all the questions and does not give a student the option to choose questions to answer. Time management for a question is to be equally distributed for all the questions.
If you face a situation in the exam hall that you are not aware of the answer to a question, at least try and don’t leave the question unattempted. Try and incorporate all the associated keywords and phrases which you think can fetch good marks in the examination. For MPPSC preparation, do not ignore any topic important for the Mains exam, least it can fetch you some marks.
Also, do not spend too much time on an answer that you know well and ignore the other questions. Time management is important at the exam hall to attempt all the questions to receive good marks.
Presentation Is Important
As it is said, the first impression is the last impression, a well-presented answer always fetches you good marks. Improper language usage, incorrect spellings, disorganized structure, or a bad handwriting make it difficult for the examiner to understand and give the marks that you deserve. The points mentioned by will be of no use if the examiner fails to understand. Ensure that the sentences are constructed well, use proper grammar, and correct spellings and readable handwriting for framing a perfect answer. Highlight the answer in bullet points so that it catches the examiner’s attention at the first go. Hence, a beautiful presentation is a must for every answer.
Writing Essays
Essay paper makes an essential part of the state service mains examination. While attempting an essay type answer, make note of certain points such as:
• Selection of the appropriate topic
• Arranging the ideas in a proper order
• Present well the facts and figures
• Do not get deviated from the topic chosen for the essay
• Keep the tone neutral and don’t criticize
• Write effectively and precisely within the word limit
• Write a good conclusion
Keep these points in mind while answering essay questions to help you fetch better marks in the examination.
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