Jodi Lee
by on August 11, 2021
Dympna Pearson and Clare Grace define weight management as the sustentation of weight and fat percentages. Weight management is a lifestyle that presupposes regular exercises and healthy eating among other features. The need for weight management emerged because of a rising number of overweight people around the world. Since the problem of obesity is widespread among young people and even children, physicians and dietitians began to design different weight management approaches in order to promote a healthy lifestyle among people as from superior essay writers Obesity leads to such diseases as diabetes, cancer, and heart illnesses among others. Besides, it may lead to a short and low-quality life. Overweight is frequently caused by the consumption of large amounts of fat foods and lack of physical activities. Other factors that may lead to obesity are environment, genetics, the use of modern technologies, and illnesses. Genetics is a factor that is difficult to deal with, but it only leads to the likelihood of becoming obese. A healthy lifestyle may prevent the problem of excessive weight. Further, the absence of parks and gyms in certain areas makes people less active. In addition, for some individuals, fruits and vegetables are unaffordable. Therefore, they eat semi-manufactures, which tend to contain harmful substances. In addition, advertisements popularize unhealthy foods among people as well. Moreover, particular medicines, such as corticosteroids and antidepressants, cause the gaining of weight. Bad habits, including smoking and drinking alcohol, may increase the risk of becoming obese. Finally, people tend to eat unhealthy foods when they are bored, stressed, angry, upset, or sleepy. Knowing the real causes of obesity and analyzing ways of its treatment and prevention will help people to lose weight or to avoid the problem (Pearson and Grace). The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends to consume fewer calories every day and to engage in physical activity more often. In order to help people maintain their weight, the department provides pieces of advice on how to make healthy food choices. Many people who suffer from obesity undergo low-fat diets. However, when they stop dieting, they can potentially begin to gain weight again. Weight management, in its turn, can help to achieve long lasting effects. According to the healthy eating plan presented by the department, a ration should be rich in fruits, whole grains, milk products that contain low or no fat, meat, mostly fowl, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. Less sugar and salt has to be added to dishes and drinks. Besides, the size of portions should adhere to the set standards. In addition, people should walk more, ride a bike, attend a gym, or engage in other kinds of physical activity. Children should begin to learn how to lead a healthy life at school. Moreover, people should become aware of the number of deaths obesity causes annually. Product manufacturers, in their turn, have to strive to produce healthy food and indicate the real number of calories on their goods. Finally, children and adults must not abuse carbonated beverages that contain sugar. In conclusion, weight management offers long-term methods of maintaining people’s weight and a healthy lifestyle. The issue of obesity was the main reasons why the need for weight management emerged. The adoption of a healthy lifestyle can help to prevent the exacerbation of problems associated with obesity, or even to avoid those problems. While obesity may lead to progressive diseases, a low quality of life, insecurity, and early death, weight management has potential to curb the aforementioned negative consequences. In the case of those who already suffer from obesity, weight management is an effective method that can help to lead a healthy lifestyle. To prevent the emergence of the problem of obesity in the future and raise a healthy generation, the government, schools, and other relevant bodies need to promote weight management on the national level.
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