Siksha Sharma
by on August 13, 2021

So many men in the world suffer from hair loss and while many of them choose to ignore it simply because their fathers also lost hair, there are some who would want to go in-depth into the reasons that could be causing their hair loss. If you too have been noticing bald patches on the back of your head or your hairline receding around the temples, chances are that you have something that is commonly known as male pattern baldness. Although a lot of people might think that male pattern baldness is not common, but the fact of the matter is that it affects a large part of the male population, all over the world.

Even though hair loss is a normal process, it is often mentally disturbing for most people, but the fact is that after understanding the causes, you can actually get treatment for the same. Here are some of the main causes that can lead to male pattern baldness:

  • Genetics – If you have a history of balding in your family; if your father or your grandfather or your uncles have balding, chances are that you will get it too. This is because the genes that are leading to the hair loss have been passed onto you. If you are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness, chances are that you will start to see hair loss probably in your late twenties.
  • Hormones - Studies have shown that there is a hormone that is present in the male body, known as androgen. Androgen is what controls hair growth in the body, but when there is hindrance with these androgens, you start to see hair loss.
  • Problems with hair growth cycle – Each hair on our head undergoes a cycle – a new hair is born, it grows and when it reaches a certain stage, it falls off. However, with age and certain other factors, for some people, this cycle starts to slow down. So, when the hair falls off, a new hair is unable to take its place, leading to balding.
  • In order for you to understand the main causes of hair loss and in order for you to come to the conclusion that it is male pattern baldness, you might need to meet a doctor first. These are just some of the things that the doctor might want to check:

        Blood pressure related problems, including hypertension
        Cancer, particularly prostate
        Medications such as blood thinners and certain supplements
        Deficiency of iron
        Conditions such as lupus, thyroid related problems or fungal infections
        Excessive amounts of vitamin A
        Improper dietary habits

      Now that we have looked at what could be causing your male pattern baldness, we can move onto what can help with reversing the hair loss or at least controlling it. Here are just some of the methods by which male pattern baldness can be treated:

      Hairstyle – If your hair loss has just started, then the first thing you could try is changing your hairstyle. Style your hair in such a manner that it covers the areas where the hair loss is starting to become visible. You could even get your hair cut or trimmed in a manner that it creates the illusion of volume, making your hair look thicker.

      Wigs – This is an option that has been around for the longest time and people all over the world have been using wigs and hairpieces to cover their bald patches or thinning hair. However, today, wigs have evolved and you can get one custom made for yourself, ensuring that it matches your natural hair.

      Weaves – Imagine a wig that is interwoven into your natural hair – that is what a weave is! As long as your hair loss has just started and you have a sufficient amount of hair, you can consider a weave. In this procedure, a wig that has been created in accordance with your natural hair, is woven into the structure of your actual hair. The biggest benefit of weaves is that you need not remove it and you can treat it like your regular hair.

      Shampoos – These days, there are several medicated shampoos that you can purchase over the counter and many of them work really well in controlling male pattern baldness. However, these will work only if you start to use them, as soon as you notice the hair fall. The most popular hair loss shampoos include Ketoconazole 2 percent, which is commonly known as Nizoral and Pyrithione zinc 1 percent, the most popular brand name of which is Head and Shoulders.

      Medication – The USFDA or United States Food and Drug Administration has approved two drugs for the treatment of male pattern baldness and these are Minoxidil and Finasteride. While the former is used as a topical application, the later is an oral medication, and both are known to show positive results. Both these medications also work well when they are used in tandem with other hair restoration methods. The most popular version of minoxidil is Rogaine, which is a lotion that needs to be applied all over the scalp. The results start becoming visible after continuous usage of about three to four months, but if you want the results to last, you will need to continue using it. As for Finasteride, Propecia is the most popular version and this will not be given to you without a prescription. Technically, finasteride is a 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitor, which prevents the male hormone DHT from shrinking the hair follicles in the scalp. The tablet needs to be taken everyday for at least three months for results to start becoming visible.

      Hair transplant – However, if your hair loss is severe and has reached the point where the bald patches are extremely obvious, then the only choice for you would be to get a hair transplant. A transplant is not a decision that needs to be taken lightly, which is why you need to talk and consult with an experienced hair transplant surgeon in Delhi, who will tell you whether you are a good enough candidate for a transplant. If you are an ideal candidate, you could undergo either an FUT or a FUE – the former is also known as strip surgery, wherein a strip of hair is removed from the scalp and follicles are harvested from this strip. In FUE, individual follicles are removed and implanted into the recipient area.

      If you have been noticing more hair on your towel or comb, there could be a chance that you are also suffering from male pattern baldness. But rather than drawing your own conclusions, it would be wise to meet a doctor and get their professional opinion.

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