by on August 16, 2021
Male Rhinoplasty:

Rhinoplasty, also known as nose surgery or nose job is increasingly becoming popular around the world. It is a Plastic Surgery procedure that is designed to reshape and resize the nose for a more aesthetically proportionate appearance. Rhinoplasty can also be done to correct structural nose defects such as those associated with a deviated septum or breathing problems.

How the Male Rhinoplasty Differs from Female Rhinoplasty

Male and female rhinoplasty surgeries are similar but they differ when it comes to the aesthetic goals associated with the procedure. Women undergo rhinoplasty surgery to address issues such as a wide nose or a nose that gives an impression of being droopy at the tip. Comparatively, men mostly undergo rhinoplasty surgery to increase the width to the middle of the nose and to straighten the nasal bridge.

The male nose typically has prominent features such as a straight bridge and a nasal tip that projects at a 90-degree angle between the upper lip and the nose. Whereas the female nose has a soft bridge and an obtuse angle with the upper lip.

Some of the reasons that men undergo rhinoplasty include:

.Removing a bump on the nose bridge
.Reshaping the tip
.Changing the size of the nose
.Narrowing the nose to achieve more proportionate features
.Changing the angle between the upper lip and the nose
.Addressing the nostrils
Good Candidate for male rhinoplasty in Dubai is a very delicate yet major procedure, and it should only be performed by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who is an expert in male rhinoplasty procedures.

During the consultation with your Plastic Surgeon, he/she will listen to your concerns and goals before examining your facial features. To be a viable candidate for Male Rhinoplasty in Dubai, you have to display some of the following characteristics:

.Short upturned nose tip
.A bridge that is too high or too low
.Dorsal hump
.Bulbous nose tip
.Wide or flaring nostrils
.Droopy nose
.Crooked nose
.A nose that appears to be too narrow or too wide

Once the Plastic Surgeon has determined that you are a good candidate for male rhinoplasty surgery, he/she will take you through what the procedure entails, the recovery period, and the possible side effects.

Procedure for Male Rhinoplasty:

Male rhinoplasty surgery is done as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia in a clinical setup or a hospital. Three possible techniques can be used during the procedure depending on the purpose of the surgery. They include: Open. This involves the Plastic Surgeon making the incision in the area between the nostrils. The open technique is used for reshaping tips. Closed. With this technique, the incisions are hidden on the inside of the nose. The third technique is used when the nose is to be narrowed with the nasal bones being altered in shape during surgery to match the face for a natural appearance. Male rhinoplasty can be performed alongside other facial rejuvenation procedures such as eyelid lift, chin augmentation, neck lift, or other male facial surgeries for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Male Rhinoplasty Recovery:

The individual will need to take time off work or school so he can concentrate on recovering from the surgery. Swelling, bruising, and congestion may be experienced in the initial days after the surgery. Generally, these side effects disappear within a few days on their own. Your new nose will start taking shape a week after the procedure as most of the swelling will have gone down. However, it may take up to 2 years to see the final results of the male rhinoplasty surgery. When done by an expert, the results of the male rhinoplasty surgery usually complement his eyes, chin, and other facial features. It is virtually impossible to notice if the person has undergone a nose job as the results are natural-looking.

To Know More:

Would you like to understand what options are available for Male Rhinoplasty in Dubai? Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for you. Contact us or Book an appointment and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable
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