by on August 16, 2021
In today’s fast-paced world growing in the field of technology, the need of converting the businesses digital for going global is the basic need of every company nowadays. A four-walled office might not be a need for businesses but a strong tech background is something a company cannot survive without. Now that we have established the fact that companies do need technology devolvement in their businesses, the next question that arises is which system would be best suited for the kind of businesses they tend to perform. Some companies prefer to react to native apps, on the other hand, some prefer hyper-native mobile application development. React native is one of its kind of mobile app development which gives benefits of cross-application app development too. Many developers are a pro at making react native apps but they commit a few errors in the development that make it slow. Here are four errors that developers can avoid while making react native app to promise better performance to its employees;

1.Wrong Estimations:

The react native developers are usually good at making the app but one thing they overlook is estimations to make the app, which includes; 1.They forget to make a proper layout for both iOS and Android systems. They make a similar codebase for both frameworks ignoring the fact that these two platforms are running on totally different cloud servers. 2.If you are making a mobile app alongside a web app, you need to make sure that you are a proper logic handling of the backend codes of endpoint given by the developer.

2.Not Reading external Module codes:

This is the common mistake everyone does while reading a contract, you sign the contract without reading thoroughly but end up with hidden or not so highlighted clauses. External modules usually make the coding process easy and efficient but some contracts have clauses that hinder the functionality of your pure codes which causes issues later on and made your application slow.

3.Not optimizing React native images:

This should be a priority task performed by the developers where they should optimize the react-native images as this thing directly influence the performance and speed of your app. Following are some ways to optimize images; 1.Change image resolution before uploading the picture to the react-native app. 2.Remove cache stored as the image backup. 3.Use an image in WebP format only.

4.Left “Console.Log” Statements:

This statement is primarily used for app debugging but if you miss this log statement it will cause errors in your application. It corrects the bottlenecks present in the application and missing it will make the react-native app slower.


React native is the best choice for applications with ordinary functionalities and it is fit for cross-platform applications. If you do not have in-house expertise, you can visit our website OptimusFox OptimusFox for react native app development services.
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