by on August 16, 2021
Nowadays, if your brand doesn't have a digital presence, it basically doesn't exist. However, most have dedicated themselves to building communities on social networks even without having a website or Google Business presence.
Nowadays, if your brand doesn't have a digital presence, it basically doesn't exist. However, most have dedicated themselves to building communities on social networks even without having a website or Google Business presence.
And this happens because currently social networks have millions of active users and well, clearly, if users are there, then it is important for brands to also be in them.
But don't just be on all social networks because there are many users, make sure you know who your audience is really in and what they are looking for in them.
Establish your KPIs so that you can measure with a north and in an adequate way what your actions are and what results you are receiving thanks to them.
Getting one lead per week is not the same as getting only one per month, this is a base indicator in any marketing strategy and it is important that you know how and where to get them.
This is why we want to help you know what to measure on social networks to obtain really valuable information for your brand. Likes are fine to receive but honestly, they don't add up to much.
Most important metrics to measure in social networks
1. Scope of your publications
Knowing the reach of your publications will allow you to know how many people your message is reaching.
The more interactions a publication has, Instagram will show it to more people as it considers it as interesting content for its community.
Make sure to answer most of the comments, give likes, and generate conversation. This will help you increase your numbers organically as your content
can reach more people.
Keep in mind that for Instagram to count an interaction as valid it must be something more than an emoji or a word. This is done to prevent bought bots or followers from interfering with the real numbers.
2. Shared
Every time they share any of your posts or mention you in stories, your brand and your content is increasing its exposure and you are reaching another audience, even people who do not follow you or did not know about your brand.
Shares and mentions are perhaps one of the most valuable resources to exploit on social media. This gives you two important insights:
My content is that good or generates enough interest to be shared.
I am reaching new audiences supported by the person who is sharing my content.
This will also allow you to automatically earn trust points with those people who are part of the circle of the user who shared your content.
Always look for your publications to have an educational, informative or entertainment objective, that they can generate interest in others and also create emotional connections so that the person feels the need that others also receive the message.
3. Responses received
If your brand sells products online and you receive many messages asking the price but it does not go beyond there, it is a red flag for you to evaluate why the interest of the user does not advance.
Also, if you only receive predetermined reactions and not an actual response, your content may be attractive at first glance but not generate anything beyond that for users.
Similarly, if a post receives likes but no comments, it is to take into account that although the image or video may be cute, it did not cause a significant connection with users.
Knowing how to interpret this data is essential to obtain real feedback from the audience, even if they do not tell you directly.
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