by on August 21, 2021
There are more and more entrepreneurs who decide to start an online project. However, it is a fact that to create a web page or an online store, you not only need to think about the design, but you must also consider where the information will be stored. Itechleadz Digital Marketing Agency help to choose the best option.
There are more and more entrepreneurs who decide to start an online project. However, it is a fact that to create a web page or an online store, it is not only necessary to think about the design, but it is also necessary to consider where the information will be stored, so that said site is accessible to all audiences. .
Most of the people who decide to create a website do not have the required knowledge to decide which hosting provider is right for them. If you are thinking about how to host a website in Colombia, in this article we will tell you what are the fundamental concepts to take into account.
What is a web server?
When we talk about a server, we mean an external hard drive that is permanently connected to the Internet. Likewise, a website is a set of files that are created and stored on a computer and, so that other people can access the pages of the same, access to the corresponding files must be given, for which the use of A server.
What is hosting and what is it for?
Hosting is the service through which a server is rented, a tool that allows the website to be visible to the public. For this reason, hiring a hosting company is a fundamental requirement to have a website.
Hosting types
Depending on the needs of the page, either the size or the traffic, one type of hosting or another may be required. The first option is shared hosting, in which several pages are hosted on the same server. The resources are shared by the different hosted sites, a factor that can affect the performance of the site, but the advantage of this service is that it is usually cheaper and easier to maintain.
Then there is virtual hosting, characterized by being a separate server in independent virtual partitions, capable of working with its own operating system without sharing resources with other users.
And finally, there is dedicated hosting, that is, created for a single project. It does not share resources with other people or companies, and because it uses an entire server, performance will not be affected by page movement.
What web hosting is more convenient?
In general, shared hosting is the most suitable option for almost everyone, since most websites will never receive traffic levels that demand higher capacity.
However, if more power is required to increase monthly transfers and upload speeds, or if sensitive personal information is to be handled, it is wise to consider investing in dedicated hosting. In any case, to decide between a shared hosting or a dedicated hosting, the specific factors that the web needs must be taken into account.
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